
Version1(as of 9/18/2014)
LicenseOpen Source
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Rating:2.7  |  17 Votes

Main Features

  • Supports different spreadsheet file types, such as .XLS, .WKS and .123
  • Provides more worksheet functions than Excel
  • Performs a variety of complex tasks involving numbers, names, times, and dates

Software Overview

Gnumeric is an open-source program that allows you to create and view spreadsheets. The program was created by Miguel de Icaza and is part of the GNOME Free Software Desktop Project.

Gnumeric is designed to be a free alternative to commercial spreadsheet programs such as Microsoft Excel. The spreadsheet program supports different data file types, including .XLS (partially supports .XLSX), .CSV, .WK1, .123, and .WKS. For storing spreadsheet data, the application uses .GNUMERIC and .GNM files compressed with GZIP compression. This proprietary file format is similar to the XML format that Excel uses for .XLSX spreadsheet files.

The application is lightweight but still provides an array of capabilities. The program offers the same worksheet functions, and more, as Excel and can perform a variety of tasks that involve names, dates, times, numbers, and other data.

Gunmeric provides many of the same features that Microsoft Excel provides, but for free. It can import and export .XLS files, offers more worksheet functions than Excel, and appears similar to Excel's interface. If you are looking for a free alternative to Excel, especially as a Linux user, try Gnumeric.

Primary File Type

file  icon.GNUMERICGnumeric Spreadsheet

Supported File Types

ExtensionFile Type
.GNUMERICGnumeric Spreadsheet
.CSVComma-Separated Values File
.DIFData Interchange Format
.GNMGnumeric Spreadsheet
.MPSMathematical Programming System File
.SYLKMicrosoft Symbolic Link File
.WK1Lotus Worksheet
.WK4Lotus 4 Worksheet
.WKSLotus 1-2-3 Spreadsheet
.XLSMicrosoft Excel Spreadsheet (Legacy)
.XLSXMicrosoft Excel Spreadsheet
Updated 9/18/2014