Golden Software Surfer
Version | 13(as of 4/11/2016) |
Platform | Windows |
License | Commercial |
Category | Scientific |
Main Features
- Supports a variety of data and grid formats
- Transforms your data in to professional maps
- Provides a large amount of grinding methods
- Gives extensive control over grinding parameters
Software Overview
Golden Software Surfer is a contouring, grinding, and 3D surface mapping application. It is primarily used to model terrain and bathymetric charts, visualize landscapes, analyze surfaces, and map 3D surfaces.
Surfer supports a large amount of data and grid formats including GSI, SRF, HDF, CSV, DXF, ECW, ASC, ERS, and TAB. Its interpolation engine takes your XYZ data and transforms it into professional looking maps. You can visualize your grids as a variety of maps such as 3D surface, contour, watershed, vector, 3D wireframe, view shed, shaded relief, and image. The application provides more gridding methods and control over gridding parameters than any other software package in its field.
Surfer is utilized in the scientific field of study by geologists, hydrologists, archaeologists, biologists, oceanographers, climatologists, medical researchers, and geophysicists. It supports a large number of data and grid formats and gives you full control over the appearance of your data maps. If you work in the scientific field and need a map visualizing tool for your XYZ data, Golden Software Surfer is a reasonably priced piece of software that will get the job done.
Primary File Type

Supported File Types
Extension | File Type |
.SRF | Surfer Project File |
.ACCDB | Access 2007 Database |
.ADF | ESRI ArcInfo Binary Grid Format |
.ASC | Autodesk ASCII Export File |
.BIL | ESRI BIL File |
.BLN | Golden Software Blanking File |
.BMP | Bitmap Image |
.CSV | Comma-Separated Values File |
.DAT | Data File |
.DBF | Database File |
.DICOM | DICOM Image |
.DXF | Drawing Exchange Format File |
.ERS | ER Mapper Data File |
.GRD | Surfer Grid File |
.GSB | Golden Software Boundary File |
.GSI | Golden Software Interchange File |
.GSR | Golden Software Reference File |
.HDF | Hierarchical Data Format (Version 4) |
.LAS | LIDAR Data Exchange File |
.MDB | Microsoft Access Database |
.MIF | MapInfo Interchange Format File |
.TAB | MapInfo TAB File |
.TXT | Plain Text File |
Additional Related File Types
Extension | File Type |
.GSR2 | Golden Software Reference File |