Corel Quattro Pro

Version2021(as of 9/29/2021)
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Rating:2.4  |  91 Votes

Main Features

  • Open files from other spreadsheet programs including Excel
  • Integrate your work with Microsoft SharePoint
  • Quickly navigate different worksheets through tabs
  • Utilize formulas to auto populate cells with results
  • Add graphs and charts to your spreadsheet

Software Overview

Screenshot of Corel Quattro Pro 2021
Screenshot of Corel Quattro Pro 2021

Corel Quattro Pro is a spreadsheet application available for Windows as part of the WordPerfect Office suite. It can create and modify various types of spreadsheets, such as budgets, receipts, invoices, and expenses, and offers multiple spreadsheet features with support for Microsoft Excel formats.

Quattro Pro is very similar to Microsoft Excel in the way it looks, feels, and functions. It supports Excel .XLSX and .XLS spreadsheet formats, along with its native .QPW format. The application supports macros and various formatting options such as font, cell color, borders, and size. It also includes a formula bar where you can write formulas that will be used in cells.


Quattro Pro is a useful spreadsheet application that provides many of the same features available in Excel. However, it is no longer offered as a standalone application, only with the Corel WordPerfect Office suite, which is an alternative to Microsoft Office. If you are looking for a spreadsheet application, Quattro Pro is a good choice, but it comes with the WordPerfect word processor and Presentations application.

Primary File Type

qpw icon.QPWQuattro Pro Spreadsheet

Supported File Types

ExtensionFile Type
.QPWQuattro Pro Spreadsheet
.123Lotus 1-2-3 Spreadsheet
.CSVComma-Separated Values File
.DBFDatabase File
.QIFQuicken Interchange Format File
.QPXQuattro Pro QuickColumn Settings File
.SLKSymbolic Link File
.WKSLotus 1-2-3 Spreadsheet
.XLSMMicrosoft Excel Macro-Enabled Spreadsheet
.XLSXMicrosoft Excel Spreadsheet

Additional Related File Types

ExtensionFile Type
.WB1Corel Quattro Pro File
.WB2Corel Quattro Pro File
.WB3Corel Quattro Pro 7 and 8 File
.WK1Lotus Worksheet
.WK4Lotus 4 Worksheet
.WKELotus 1-2-3 Educational Version Worksheet
.WQ1Quattro Pro for DOS Spreadsheet File
.WQ2Quattro Pro for DOS Spreadsheet File
.XLSMicrosoft Excel Spreadsheet (Legacy)
Updated 9/29/2021