Apple Pages

Version11(as of 10/6/2021)
PlatformsMac, Web
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Rating:3.2  |  30 Votes

Main Features

  • Supports the DOCX and DOC formats, and can export to PDF and ePub
  • Enables you to add text, images, video, shapes, and charts
  • Comes with professional-looking templates
  • Uses iCloud to sync documents across your devices

Software Overview

Screenshot of Apple Pages 11
Screenshot of Apple Pages 11

Apple Pages is a macOS word processing application used to create, edit, and save various document formats. It is one of Apple's three productivity apps included with iWork, which is free to Mac and iOS users, and includes Numbers and Keynote. The app is also available for iOS devices and as an iCloud web application.

Pages supports documents in its native .PAGES format, and Microsoft Word .DOCX and .DOC formats. It can also export documents in the .PDF and .EPUB formats. When composing a document, you can start from one of 60 high-quality templates provided by Pages or from scratch. As you edit your document, you can add text, images, video, shapes, tables, and charts.

As previously mentioned, Pages is available for iOS devices, which allows you to work on your documents from almost anywhere at any time. And with iCloud, your documents will be kept up to date across enabled devices. You can also share documents using a link that gives Mac and Windows users access to the latest version with editing permissions through Pages.


Over the years, Pages has become a more finely tuned word processor for Mac users. It comes with solid word processing features, provides a large variety of professional-looking templates, and supports the popular Office Open XML format (DOCX). It doesn't offer nearly the same amount of robust word processing power as Microsoft Word, but if you are a Mac user who needs a capable and free word processor, Apple Pages is the solution.

Primary File Type

pages icon.PAGESApple Pages Document

Supported File Types

ExtensionFile Type
.PAGESApple Pages Document
.CWKClarisWorks Document
.DOCMicrosoft Word Document (Legacy)
.DOCXMicrosoft Word Document
.PDFPortable Document Format File
.PNGPortable Network Graphic
.RTFRich Text Format File
.RTFDRich Text Format Directory File
.TXTPlain Text File
Updated 10/6/2021