Mozilla Thunderbird

Version115(as of 11/13/2023)
PlatformsWindows, Mac, Linux
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Rating:3.2  |  74 Votes

Main Features

  • Connect and manage multiple email accounts
  • Chat with others via IRC and other chat services
  • Subscribe to newsfeeds and blogs
  • Import and manage contacts, calendars, and other personal information

Software Overview

Screenshot of Mozilla Thunderbird 115
Screenshot of Mozilla Thunderbird 115

Mozilla Thunderbird is a free email, newsreader, calendar, and chat application available for Windows, macOS, and Linux. It allows you to connect and manage your email account(s), subscribe to news and blog feeds, create and manage calendars, and chat with others via IRC and other chat services.

Thunderbird supports popular email protocols, including POP3 and IMAP, standards, and file formats. As such, you can import existing email accounts and messages from a variety of email services. If necessary, Thunderbird also allows you to create a new email account for use with the program.

However, managing your email is the least of what you can do with Thunderbird. Those who regularly read blogs or news sites can use Thunderbird to subscribe to those sites' RSS feeds, and read new articles alongside their emails. Thunderbird also allows users to import and manage contact lists, create calendars and accompanying task lists, and create or connect online chat accounts.

If those features aren't enough, you can extend Thunderbird using a wealth of user-created add-ons. You can browse and install add-ons within Thunderbird itself, by selecting Tools → Add-ons and Themes.


If you're fed up with Microsoft Outlook, Apple Mail, and Gmail, you may want to give Mozilla Thunderbird a try. Thunderbird is comprehensive, easy to set up, and endlessly customizable. It's also free, meaning there's no real risk to seeing what Thunderbird has to offer.

Primary File Type

mbox icon.MBOXEmail Mailbox

Supported File Types

ExtensionFile Type
.MBOXEmail Mailbox
.EMLE-Mail Message
.LDIFLDAP Data Interchange Format File
.MABMozilla Address Book
.MAILTOLOCMail Internet Location File
.MARMozilla Archive
.MFLMozilla FastLoad File
.MIMMulti-Purpose Internet Mail Message File
.MSFMail Summary File
.P7SDigitally Signed Email Message
.SLTMozilla User Profile Folder
.WDSEMLThunderbird Searchable Email File

Additional Related File Types

ExtensionFile Type
.ASCPGP ASCII Armored File
.MIMEMulti-Purpose Internet Mail Extension
.XPICross-platform Installer Package
Updated 11/13/2023