
Version1(as of 10/18/2018)
PlatformsWindows, Mac, Linux
LicenseOpen Source
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Rating:3.6  |  212 Votes

Main Features

  • Supports a large array of video and audio formats
  • Outputs video and audio through a large selection of output drivers
  • Provides source code for modification

Software Overview

MPlayer is a free media player that supports many media formats. It is a customizable, open source application that supports multiple operating systems.

MPlayer recognizes many popular video formats, such as MPEG, OGM, AVI, WMV, and MOV. It also allows you to watch DVDs, DivX videos, and H.264 movies among others. It can also play popular audio formats such as AAC, WMA, and RealAudio. In addition, MPlayer supports a wide array of output drivers to optimize your viewing and listening experience.

The MPlayer user interface varies depending on how you install it. The recommended method is to compile the downloadable source code, which does not include a GUI. Therefore, you must choose a front-end to use for your player. Several options are available on the MPlayer projects page. You can also download an unofficial package of MPlayer from the site’s projects page that is pre-compiled and includes a graphical user interface.

MPlayer is a capable media player that supports a wide array of video and audio formats and can be customized to fit your needs. If you are technically savvy, you can compile and customize your own version of MPlayer. Otherwise, installing a pre-compiled package is your best option.

Primary File Type

mp4 icon.MP4MPEG-4 Video

Supported File Types

ExtensionFile Type
.MP4MPEG-4 Video
.3GP3GPP Multimedia File
.AACAdvanced Audio Coding File
.AC3Audio Codec 3 File
.APEMonkey's Audio
.DATVCD Video File
.DVDigital Video File
.FLVFlash Video
.M2THDV Video File
.MJPMJPEG Video File
.MKAMatroska Audio
.MKVMatroska Video
.MPCMusepack Compressed Audio File
.MQVSony Movie Format
.MTVMTV Video Format File
.NUTNUT Video File
.NUVNuppelVideo File
.OGGOgg Vorbis Audio
.OGMOgg Media File
.OGVOgg Video
.PCMPulse Code Modulation
.PVAPVA Video File
.TRPHD Video Transport Stream
.TSVideo Transport Stream File
.TSTREAMSwarmPlayer Streaming Torrent
.TTATrue Audio File
.VC1VC-1 Video File
.VFWVideo for Windows
.VOBDVD Video Object File
.VRODVD Video Recording Format
.YUVYUV Video File

Additional Related File Types

ExtensionFile Type
.3GPP3GPP Media File
.3P23GPP Multimedia File
.ASSAegisub Advanced SubStation Alpha File
.IDXVobSub Subtitles Index File
.JSSJACOsub Subtitle File
.KMVMobile DJ Video File
.KSFKMPlayer Skin File
.MODMusic Module File
.MPSUBMPlayer Subtitles File
.OGAOgg Vorbis Audio File
.SCMSuper Chain Media File
.SMISAMI Subtitles File
.SRTSubRip Subtitle File
.SSASub Station Alpha Subtitle File
.SUBMicroDVD Subtitle File
.UMXUnreal Music Package
Updated 10/18/2018