Mozilla SeaMonkey

Version2(as of 8/8/2014)
PlatformsWindows, Mac, Linux
LicenseOpen Source
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Rating:3.4  |  34 Votes

Main Features

  • Features a web browser, email client, newsfeeds, chat client, and web developer tools
  • Provides add-on capability to extend functionality of the browser and email
  • Enables you to edit HTML with a WYSIWYG editor and inspect web page document structure

Software Overview

Mozilla SeaMonkey is an open source Internet application suite that includes a web browser, email client, newsfeed client, IRC Chat client, and HTML editor. It is available for Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux platforms and is highly extensible.

The SeaMonkey web browser is based on the same Mozilla source code that Firefox is built on, with the same rendering engine. The web browser features tabbed browsing, the ability to restore sessions, and a popup blocker. SeaMonkey also provides Add-ons Management, which allows you to install additional functions created by other users, such as browser themes. The SeaMonkey email client supports multiple accounts, message filters, a dictionary, address book, and add-ons for extended functionality. The suite also provides a customizable chat client and feeds for news and blogs.

SeaMonkey includes web development tools such as Composer, an HTML WYSIWYG editor with support for positioned layers, dynamic table and image resizing, and CSS support. The suite also comes with a DOM Inspector that enables you to examine web page structure and a JavaScript Debugger, which helps you debug JavaScript code.

If you are a web developer looking for an inclusive Internet suite, SeaMonkey is a useful tool. With its open source flexibility, it allows you to customize your web surfing, emailing, chatting, and webpage developing experience. However, if you are just looking for a standalone web browser, Chrome or FireFox is the way to go.

Primary File Type

xpi icon.XPICross-platform Installer Package

Supported File Types

ExtensionFile Type
.XPICross-platform Installer Package
.MABMozilla Address Book
.MAFFMozilla Archive Format File
.MARMozilla Archive
.MSFMail Summary File
.RDFResource Description Framework File
.XBLExtensible Binding Language File
.XULXML User Interface Language File

Additional Related File Types

ExtensionFile Type
.ASCPGP ASCII Armored File
.NA2Netscape Address Book File
.WEBLOCmacOS Website Location
Updated 8/8/2014