Kingsoft WPS Office for Android

Version12(as of 5/5/2020)
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Rating:3.0  |  84 Votes

Main Features

  • Supports Microsoft Office file formats
  • Provides helpful functions for creating and editing files
  • Share files through email, Google Drive, Dropbox, or

Software Overview

Kingsoft WPS Office for Android is an office suite used to create, view, edit, and save Microsoft Office file formats and PDF files. WPS Office for Android was formerly known as Office for Android before changing names in June of 2014. It is available to download as freeware.

The suite features the Writer, Spreadsheets, and Presentation Android applications that provide helpful functions, including rich text editing, quick calculation, and slide operations. You can create, view, and edit Microsoft Office Word, Excel, and PowerPoint formats, along with PDF and CSV. The application allows you to easily share your files, as well, whether it is through emailing attachments or uploading to Dropbox, Google Drive, or

WPS Office for Android is a quality office suite that supports popular Microsoft Office formats and gives you tools to create and edit your own files. Also, the suite is available for free, which is rare for an application that provides the functionality that it does. Kingsoft WPS Office for Android is the best choice for creating, viewing, editing, and saving Microsoft Office files and PDF files on your Android device.

Primary File Type

docx icon.DOCXMicrosoft Word Document

Supported File Types

ExtensionFile Type
.DOCXMicrosoft Word Document
.CSVComma-Separated Values File
.DOCMicrosoft Word Document (Legacy)
.DPSKingsoft Presentation File
.DPTKingsoft Presentation Template
.ETKingsoft Spreadsheets File
.ETTKingsoft Spreadsheets Template
.PDFPortable Document Format File
.PPTXMicrosoft PowerPoint Presentation
.TXTPlain Text File
.WPSKingsoft Writer Document
.WPTKingsoft Writer Template
.XLSXMicrosoft Excel Spreadsheet

Additional Related File Types

ExtensionFile Type
.PPTMicrosoft PowerPoint Presentation (Legacy)
.XLSMicrosoft Excel Spreadsheet (Legacy)
Updated 5/5/2020