ESRI ArcGIS for Desktop
Version | 10(as of 11/9/2023) |
Platform | Windows |
License | Commercial |
Category | Scientific |
Main Features
- Supports more than 70 different data formats
- Provides a comprehensive set of spatial analysis tools
- Extensible via numerous plugins
- Integrates with mobile platforms for remote accessibility
Software Overview
ESRI ArcGIS for Desktop is a GIS mapping application for the Windows platform. It provides many tools, allowing you to create, share, and manage geographic maps, data, and analytical models. However, ESRI replaced ArcGIS for Desktop with ArcGIS Pro.
ArcGIS for Desktop comprises several integrated applications, including ArcCatalog, ArcToolbox, and ArcMap. In these applications, ArcGIS for Desktop gives you many spatial analysis tools to generate spatial analyses, such as the number of homes within a specified distance of a flood plain. The application also offers location analytics that allows you to analyze data based on physical location, which is especially helpful for businesses wanting to know customer data, such as where the customer lives. ArcGIS for Desktop is also a flexible application, as it supports more than 70 data formats you can integrate for analysis and visualization.
Another feature of ArcGIS for Desktop is that it is a highly extensible application. You can download numerous extensions to extend the analysis and productivity capabilities of ArcGIS for Desktop, such as 3D analysis of your data or a workflow manager to help you manage GIS tasks and resources. The software also enables convenient data sharing with the use of ArcGIS Online. You can search for data, share information with others, and import base maps from one location. ArcGIS for Desktop also integrates with mobile platforms, making maps and data accessible anywhere. For example, a team of firefighters could access floor building plans on site before they go into the building.
ESRI ArcGIS for Desktop is a powerful GIS application. It supports many different data formats, provides a wide array of tools, and is excellent for collaboration. ArcGIS for Desktop is a powerful choice for GIS professionals. However, ESRI replaced it with ArcGIS Pro, which is equally up to the task.
Primary File Type

Supported File Types
Extension | File Type |
.MXD | ArcGIS Map Document |
.3DD | ArcGlobe Document |
.ADF | ESRI ArcInfo Binary Grid Format |
.APL | ArcPad Layer File |
.APR | ArcView Project File |
.DGN | MicroStation Design |
.DLG | Digital Line Graph |
.DT0 | DTED Level 0 File |
.DT1 | DTED Level 1 File |
.DT2 | DTED Level 2 File |
.E00 | ArcInfo Coverage Export File |
.ECW | Enhanced Compression Wavelet Image |
.FLT | OpenFlight Scene Description File |
.GEN | ArcView ARC/INFO UnGenerate file |
.GMF | Geology Multi-File |
.HGT | SRTM Elevation Data File |
.JPW | World File for JPEG |
.KML | Keyhole Markup Language File |
.KMZ | Google Earth Placemark File |
.LPK | ArcGIS Layer Package |
.MPK | ArcGIS Map Package |
.MSD | Map Service Definition File |
.MXT | ArcGIS Map Template |
.NMF | ArcGIS Explorer Map File |
.PIX | PCI Geomatics Database File |
.PMF | ESRI Published Map File |
.PRJ | Project File |
.RDF | ArcGIS Report Document File |
.RLF | ArcGIS Report Layout File |
.SDW | MrSID World File |
.SHP | ESRI Shapefile |
.SHX | Shapefile Index File |
.SID | MrSID Image |
.STYLE | ArcGIS Style Manager File |
.SXD | ArcScene Document |
.TFW | World File for TIFF |
.TIF | GeoTIFF Image |
.VCT | IDRISI Vector Image |
.VDC | IDRISI Vector Documentation File |
.WLD | ESRI World File |
Additional Related File Types
Extension | File Type |
.ADC | Scanstudio 16 Color Image |
.AML | Arc Macro Language File |
.ATX | ArcGIS Attribute Index File |
.AUX | Auxiliary File |
.AVL | ArcView Legend File |
.AVX | ArcView Extension File |
.BIL | ESRI BIL File |
.BPW | Bitmap World File |
.CPG | ESRI Code Page File |
.DEM | Digital Elevation Model |
.ERS | ER Mapper Data File |
.FLS | ArcView GIS Windows Help Supporting File |
.GDBTABLE | Geodatabase Table File |
.GFW | GIF World File |
.HDR | ESRI BIL Header File |
.IDX | Index File |
.IMD | GIS Image Metadata File |
.JGW | JPEG World File |
.JPGW | JPEG World File |
.JPR | Fugawi Projection File |
.JPW | World File for JPEG |
.LAS | LIDAR Data Exchange File |
.LYR | ArcView Layer File |
.RDC | IDRISI Raster Documentation File |
.RRD | Reduced Resolution Dataset File |
.RST | IDRISI Raster Image |
.SBN | ESRI Spatial Binary File |
.SBX | ESRI Spatial Index File |
.SHX | Shapefile Index File |
.SML | ARC/INFO Simple Macro Language File |
.SSF | Trimble Standard Storage Format File |
.TAB | MapInfo TAB File |