.V File Extension
Verilog Source Code File
Developer | Accellera |
Popularity |
3.7 | 50 Votes |
What is a V file?
A file with a V file extension may be a source code file written in the Verilog hardware description language (HDL). It specifies a model of an electronic system. V files typically contain Verilog 2005 source code, but they may also use one of the older Verilog standards, such as Verilog-95 or Verilog 2001.
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Verilog 2005 has been superseded by SystemVerilog, which builds off the previous standard but adds new design modeling features. SystemVerilog source files have an .SV file extension.
NOTE: Verilog source files are saved in a plain text format and can be opened in a text editor such as Notepad++.
Programs that open or reference V files
Coq Source Code File
Developer | ADT Coq |
Popularity |
3.6 | 12 Votes |
Developer file used by Coq, an application used to develop mathematical proofs; saved in a text format and contains source code constructed in the Gallina language, which is based on an expressive formal language called Calculus of Inductive Constructions (CIC); used for storing mathematical proofs.
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Developers specify expressions in V files using the Gallina "vernacular," which is the syntax, or language of commands, for the Gallina language. Once V files are written, they can be compiled and run with the Coq Proof Assistant IDE, which has the program name CoqIDE.
NOTE: Development for Coq, which was previously maintained by The Coq Development Team, is now maintained by ADT Coq. ADT stands for "Action for Technological Development."
Programs that open or reference V files
V Source Code File
Developer | Alex Medvednikov |
Popularity |
3.8 | 6 Votes |
A V file contains source code written in the V programming language. Typically, a V file contains a V program or module.
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V is a statically-typed compiled programming language developed by Alex Medvednikov. It is similar to Google's Go programming language, but is also influenced by Oberon, Rust, and Swift. According to Medvednikov, V is designed to be simple, readable, and maintainable.
Developers save V programs and other V source code in V files. V files that contain a program module may be referenced within one or more other V files, to import that module.
How to open a V file
You can open a V file and edit its contents using any text or source code editor. Source code editors, such as Microsoft Visual Studio Code and GitHub Atom, contain helpful tools that make reading and editing V files easier.
If your V file contains a program, you can run the program using V's run command.
Programs that open V files
Subsampled Raw YUV Image
Developer | N/A |
Popularity |
3.2 | 10 Votes |
More Information
V files store image data in a format required by the Stanford MPEG codec.
NOTE: The yuvsplittoppm and ppmtoyuvsplit command-line utilities are part of the netpbm Unix-based graphics package.