
Version1(as of 12/20/2021)
PlatformsWindows, Mac, Linux
LicenseOpen Source
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Rating:3.6  |  58 Votes

Main Features

  • Supports several Minecraft save files such as NBT, MCR, MCA, and DAT
  • Allows you to edit save data, including your health, location, and inventory
  • Provides a directory-tree interface for exploring multiple worlds

Software Overview

NBTExplorer is a cross-platform, open-source tool used to edit Minecraft save files. It is based on the NBTedit program and built on top of Substrate, a .NET/Mono SDK written in C#.

The program supports editing of several Minecraft saves, including .NBT, .MCR, .MCA, .SCHEMATIC, and .DAT files. NBTExplorer allows you to edit save data, such as your location, time, inventory, and health. It also includes a directory-tree interface that allows you to explore multiple worlds.


NBTExplorer is a great choice for editing your Minecraft save files. Its best feature is that it supports multiple file types allowing you to work in just one program. If you play Minecraft and want to edit your saves, go with NBTExplorer.

NOTE: Mac users should note that NBTExplorer cannot be installed on macOS High Sierra 10.13.4 and later versions, because NBTExplorer is a 32-bit application.

Primary File Type

file  icon.NBTMinecraft Named Binary Tag

Supported File Types

ExtensionFile Type
.NBTMinecraft Named Binary Tag
.DATMinecraft Data File
.MCAMinecraft Anvil Region
.MCRMinecraft Region File
.SCHEMATICMinecraft Schematic
Updated 12/20/2021