.NBT File Extension
Minecraft Named Binary Tag
Developer | Mojang |
Popularity |
4.4 | 63 Votes |
What is an NBT file?
An NBT file is a Minecraft game data file that contains data saved in the Named Binary Tag (NBT) format. The NBT format is a simple binary format developed to store large amounts of binary data. NBT files often contain information about a Minecraft world.
More Information
Minecraft is an open-ended 3D world-building and exploration game. The game's Java Edition is popular among modders, which are players who enjoy customizing games by editing existing game files and adding new ones.
Some of the files Minecraft modders examine and edit are NBT files. These are GZip-compressed files that may contain a variety of game data items. Software APIs such as JNBT (The Java NBT Library) can read the NBT format, allowing modders to decompress, open, and edit NBT files.
NOTE: Many other Minecraft game data files also use the Named Binary Tag file format. For example, Minecraft's .DAT, .MCLEVEL, .MINE, and .MCR files use the Named Binary Tag file format.
How to open an NBT file
You can open and edit a Minecraft NBT file with webNBT (Web), NBTExplorer (multiplatform), MCEdit (Windows, Linux), or NBTEdit (Windows). Mac users should note that NBTExplorer cannot be installed on macOS High Sierra 10.13.4 and later versions, because NBTExplorer is a 32-bit application.