.PD4 File Extension
Windows Live Photo Gallery Information File
Developer | Microsoft |
Popularity |
3.0 | 2 Votes |
Open with | Microsoft Windows Live Photo Gallery |
What is a PD4 file?
Database file used by Windows Live Photo Gallery, a program that allows users to manage home photos and movies; contains metadata describing personal images and videos, including the file name, properties, path, and thumbnail information; used to track multimedia file information.
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By default, PD4 files use the name Pictures.pd4 and are stored in the following directory:
%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows Live Photo Gallery
If a PD4 file database is corrupted, you may rename the existing PD4 file to OLD_Pictures.pd4 and Windows Live Photo Gallery will recreate the database.
NOTE: Microsoft Windows Live Photo Gallery is no longer developed.
Programs that open PD4 files
Clone Manager Primer File
Developer | Sci-Ed |
Popularity |
2.0 | 2 Votes |
Open with | Sci-Ed Clone Manager |
A PD4 file may also be a primer file created by Clone Manager, a program used for cloning simulation, enzyme operations, graphic map drawing. It contains a primer sequence, source molecule information, a primer name, primer criteria, a description, and notes information.
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Primers can be added to .PX5 primer collection files for more convenient sharing of multiple primers between users.