GSL Biotech SnapGene
Version | 6(as of 10/14/2022) |
Platforms | Windows, Mac, Linux |
License | Commercial |
Category | Scientific |
Main Features
- Support for common DNA sequence file formats, such as GenBank and ApE
- In-Fusion cloning tool creates seamless gene fusions
- Gibson Assembly inserts fragments into a plasmid without the use of restriction enzymes
- Automatic documentation records all of the steps in your cloning project
Software Overview
GSL Biotech SnapGene is a molecular biology program used to create, visualize, and document DNA, RNA, and protein sequences. The software supports many sequence formats and includes various analysis tools. It is available for Windows, macOS, and Linux.
SnapGene can import and export many sequence file formats, such as ApE, Gene Construction Kit, GenBank, DNASTAR Lasergene, and MacVector. Additionally, the app provides tools to plan, visualize, and document your molecular biology procedures. For example, the program's In-Fusion cloning tool simulates gene fusions of your selected DNA fragments. As you work, SnapGene highlights DNA restriction sites, automatically marking sites blocked by methylation, and allows you to choose or define custom enzyme sets.
The software enables you to browse large DNA sequences and quickly navigate chromosomes with the help of intelligent searching and zooming controls. As you perform all these functions, SnapGene automatically records each step in your cloning project; every time you edit a sequence or perform a simulation, the app logs the procedure in a graphical history.
SnapGene is an impressive application for handling molecular biology procedures. It provides various useful DNA sequence analysis tools and supports many file formats. GSL Biotech SnapGene is an excellent laboratory resource that will aid you in your visualization and analysis of DNA sequences.
Primary File Type

Supported File Types
Extension | File Type |
.DNA | SnapGene DNA File |
.AB1 | DNA Electropherogram File |
.ABI | DNA Chromatogram File |
.CM5 | Clone Manager File |
.FA | FASTA Formatted Sequence File |
.PD4 | Clone Manager Primer File |
.PDW | pDRAW32 DNA File |
.PROT | SnapGene Protein File |
.PX5 | Clone Manager Primer Collection File |
.RNA | SnapGene RNA File |
.SBD | DNASTAR SeqBuilder File |
.SCF | DNA Sequence Chromatogram File |
.SEQ | DNA Sequence Text File |
.XDNA | DNA Strider Sequence File |