N File Extensions

Browse file types with extensions beginning with N.

Extension File Type Popularity
.NNeko Bytecode File
.N-GAGEN-Gage Application
.N2Nitrous Minecraft GLSL Shader File
.N3DNuclear 3D File
.N3DSuper 3D Noah's Ark Data File
.N3PMESHKnight Online 3D Mesh File
.N3RPanasonic Security System Video File
.N64Nintendo 64 ROM File
.NA2Netscape Address Book File
.NAACNamco AAC File
.NAMG.E.C.K. Mod Data File
.NAMAqua3D Network File
.NAMESData Set Description File
.NAPMcAfee ePO Network Associates Package
.NAPNapster Secured Music File
.NAPNAP Metafile
.NARNexon game archive
.NARNokia Image Archive
.NARUkagaka Ghost
.NARCNintendo DS Archive File
.NARRATIVENarrator Document
.NASNastran Input File
.NATVISNatvis VC++ Debugger Visualization File
.NAVId Tech 3 Bot Navigation File
.NAVMSN Application Extension File
.NAV2WinAVI Temporary Navigation File
.NAZTotal Overdose Game Data File
.NBMathematica Notebook
.NBNota Bene File
.NB0Device Boot Loader Image
.NB7NovaBACKUP Output File
.NBANero BackItUp Archive
.NBAKNeat Backup File
.NBCNext Byte Codes Source Code File
.NBDData Backup Data File
.NBENessus Report File
.NBESNbes Ransomware Encrypted File
.NBFNokia Backup File
.NBFBackup Now Archive
.NBHROM Update Utility Image File
.NBINero BackItUp Information File
.NBIBPubMed Bibliographic Citation File
.NBKData Backup Job File
.NBKSMART Notebook File
.NBMNetBeans Module
.NBMAPNintendoWare Bezel Engine Map
.NBPMathematica Player Notebook
.NBPNeoBook Plugin File
.NBSMinecraft Note Block Studio File
.NBSNTI Backup Set
.NBTMinecraft Named Binary Tag
.NBUNokia Phone Backup File
.NCNetCDF File
.NCmcrypt Encrypted File
.NCDSTV Numerical Control File
.NCMastercam Numerical Control File
.NC1Mastercam Numerical Control File
.NCANintendo Content Archive
.NCBVisual C++ IntelliSense Database
.NCDNero CoverDesigner File
.NCDNTI CD-Maker Disc Image
.NCERNitro Cell Resource File
.NCFNo Cache File
.NCFGArcGIS Explorer Configuration File
.NCGRNintendo DS Title Graphics File
.NCHOutlook Express Folder File
.NCLNirCmd Script File
.NCLRNintendo DS Color Palette File
.NCONero BackItUp File
.NCORAdobe Encore Project File
.NCORXAdobe Encore Project
.NCSSNCSS Dataset File
.NCTNow Contact File
.NCTNero CoverDesigner Template
.NCWNative Compressed Wave File
.NCWNero CoverDesigner Wizard File
.NCXEPUB Navigation Control XML File
.NDQuickBooks Network Data File
.ND5Renamed NDS File
.NDANero Backup File
.NDBClamAV Extended Signature File
.NDBMyDraw Binary Drawing
.NDCPersonal Communications Settings File
.NDDNintendo 64DD Emulator ROM File
.NDFSQL Server Secondary Database File
.NDIFNokia Data File
.NDIFApple New Disk Image Format File
.NDJSONNewline Delimited JSON File
.NDKLotus Notes Design Elements File
.NDLLotus Notes Doclink File
.NDLLNeko Library
.NDOCNaver Word
.NDPIHamamatsu TIFF-like Slide Image
.NDRNintendo 64DD Emulator ROM Save File
.NDSNintendo DS Game ROM
.NDSNero DiscSpan Compilation File
.NDTXMyDraw XML Drawing Template
.NDXdBASE Index (Legacy)
.NDXNeat 5 Archive File
.NDXMyDraw XML Drawing
.NEDOMNeT++ Network Description File
.NEDNerd Tracker 2 Module
.NEFNikon Electronic Format RAW Image
.NEKONeko Source Code File
.NEONeoChrome Bitmap Image
.NEOSAVENeopets Save File
.NESNintendo Entertainment System (NES) ROM
.NESSUSNessus Network Security Scanner File
.NETnetViz Project File
.NETFileMaker Networking Module
.NETDynagen Network Topology File
.NETRabbit Network Script
.NETANetica Binary File
.NETSPDNetSpot Survey Project File
.NETSPMNetSpot Map File
.NETWORKCONNECTApple Network Connect Document
.NEUPro/ENGINEER Neutral File
.NEWNew G-Suite File
.NEXNavigator Extension
.NEXEChrome Native Client Executable
.NFANetflix Audio File
.NFBNokia Phone Backup File
.NFCNokia Phone Backup Copy File
.NFFNeutral File Format
.NFINetflix Information File
.NFIDreambox Disc Image
.NFLNokia Flash Lite Package
.NFMDelphi .NET Form File
.NFOWarez Information File
.NFOSystem Information File
.NFOAge of Empires Player File
.NFOKodi Media Metadata
.NFOFolio Views Infobase File
.NFSNetwork File System Temporary File
.NFSNetflix Subtitle File
.NFS11SAVENeed for Speed: Hot Pursuit Save File
.NFS13SAVENeed for Speed: Most Wanted Settings
.NFTRNintendo DS Font Type File
.NFVNetflix Video File
.NFWDynamic Modbus Slave Simulator Configuration
.NGAGEN-Gage Game File
.NGCXilinx Generated Netlist File
.NGCNeoGeo Pocket Color ROM
.NGDXilinx Netlist File
.NGLOSSNisus Writer Glossary
.NGPNeoGeo Pocket ROM
.NGRRGuitar Rig Preset
.NGSSteins;Gate Game File
.NGTNoni GPSPlot Track File
.NIInform 7 Source Code File
.NIBInterface Builder User Interface File
.NICKOutlook 2000 Nickname File
.NIFGamebryo Model File
.NIMNim Source Code File
.NITFNational Imagery Transmission Format File
.NITZNITZ Ransomware Encrypted File
.NIXNiotron Extension Project
.NJBNikon Photo Index File
.NJINero Job Information File
.NJKNunjucks Template
.NJXNJStar Document
.NKNUKE Script
.NK2Outlook 2002 Nickname File
.NKBKontakt Audio Bank
.NKCKontakt Library Data File
.NKIKONTAKT Instrument File
.NKITNintendo Kit Game ROM File
.NKMKontakt Multi Instrument File
.NKMMario Kart DS Track Data File
.NKPKontakt Presets File
.NKSKontakt Monolith Container
.NKSCNikon Capture NX-D Sidecar File
.NKSFNative Kontrol Standard Preset
.NKXKontakt Monolith Container File
.NLNote Ledge File
.NLNatron Layout File
.NL2SCRIPTNoLimits 2 Script File
.NLBMyDraw Binary Library
.NLELEMNoLimits Track Element File
.NLMNokia Logo File
.NLOGONetLogo Model File
.NLOGO3DNetLogo 3D Model File
.NLPNirLauncher Package List
.NLPXNoLimits Package
.NLSMicrosoft National Language Support File
.NLSNetLogo Source File
.NLTWindows Transliteration File
.NLTRACKNoLimits Roller Coaster Track File
.NLVMNoLimits Virtual Machine File
.NLXMyDraw XML Library
.NMSpace Engine Nebula Model File
.NM2Navitel Map
.NM3Navitel 5 Map
.NM7Navitel 7 Map
.NMANMEA Data File
.NMAPNaviComputer Map File
.NMBTEMPLATENumbers Spreadsheet Template
.NMCArcGIS Explorer Map Content File
.NMFArcGIS Explorer Map File
.NMINDNovaMind Mind Map File
.NMLTraktor Collection File
.NMLNSMB Editor Exported Level File
.NMLNewGRF Meta Language File
.NMMSamsung Memo Backup File
.NMMMSamsung Memo Backup File
.NMONMO Ransomware Encrypted File
.NMONEYDenaro Account
.NMPNewsMaker Project File
.NMSVNative Instruments Massive Sound File
.NNNero CD File List
.NNESNostalgia.NES Saved Game
.NNIANNI Neural Network Investing File
.NNPANNI Neural Network Portfolio File
.NNTEudora Address Book File
.NODNetObjects Fusion File
.NODENode.js Binary Addon File
.NODESStick Nodes 2D Object
.NODESAudioNodes Project
.NOJEKYLLGitHub Pages NoJekyll File
.NOLNokia Operator Logo File
.NOMEDIAAndroid No Media File
.NONNonogram Puzzle File
.NOPWangReal Engine Game Data Archive
.NOQNoq Source Code
.NOTNotation File
.NOTFinale Note File
.NOTENotessimo Composition
.NOTENotability Note File
.NOTESMemento Notes File
.NOVABACKUPNova Launcher Home Screen Backup
.NOWReadme File
.NOYNOY Backup File
.NOZZLELIBRARYPainter Nozzle Library
.NPPortfolio NetPublish File
.NP4NetPoint 4 Schedule File
.NPASteins;Gate Archive
.NPFNTI Partition File
.NPFXNorton Internet Security Firewall Settings File
.NPKMikroTik Software Package
.NPKn-Track Studio Wave Peak File
.NPLNokia Playlist File
.NPLXilinx ISE 5-6 Project File
.NPLCubase Library File
.NPPArt Explosion Publisher Pro Document
.NPRNuendo Project File
.NPSNTI Partition Set
.NPSNatron Node Presets File
.NPSDNPS Image Editor Document
.NPTPortfolio NetPublish Template
.NPTNetPoint Schedule File
.NPV4NapsternetV Configuration File
.NPYPython NumPy Array File
.NQCNot Quite C Source Code File
.NRANero Audio Compilation
.NRBNero CD-ROM Boot Compilation
.NRBAKNeatReceipts Backup File
.NRCNero Disc Compilation File
.NRDNero DVD-Video Compilation File
.NRFNeat Document Folder File
.NRGNero CD/DVD Image File
.NRINero ISO CD Compilation File
.NRLAutonomy Interwoven Link File
.NRMNero Mixed Mode CD Compilation
.NRMLIBNeat Cabinet File
.NRONintendo Switch Executable File
.NRSNovaBACKUP Restore Script
.NRTNokia Ringtone
.NRTNeat Contact File
.NRUNero UDF CD-ROM Compilation
.NRWNikon Raw Image
.NRXNeat Receipt Folder File
.NS1Nestopia Save State
.NS2Lotus Notes 2 Database
.NS3Lotus Notes 3 Database
.NS4Lotus Notes 4 Database
.NSANullsoft Streaming Audio File
.NSANoteshelf for Android Notebook
.NSBCANintendo DS Model Animation File
.NSBMDNintendo DS Model File
.NSBTANintendo DS Texture Animation File
.NSBTXNintendo DS Model Texture File
.NSBVANintendo DS Visibility Animation File
.NSCRNintendo DS Title Screen File
.NSFLotus Notes Database
.NSFNES Sound Format Audio
.NSFEExtended NES Sound Format File
.NSHNSIS Header File
.NSLnsL Script
.NSMPNord Sample
.NSMPPROJNord Sample Editor Project
.NSNAKEnSnake Level File
.NSPNintendo Submission Package
.NSQNScheduler Data File
.NSRNessus Security Report File
.NSSMagentic Screensaver File
.NSTOutlook Connector for Notes File
.NSTNoiseTracker Module
.NSVNullsoft Streaming Video File
.NSXAppStudio Project
.NSZCompressed Nintendo Submission Package
.NTWindows NT Startup File
.NTtheWord New Testament Text Module
.NTCCamera Control Pro Custom Curves File
.NTFLotus Note Template
.NTFSNTFS Partition File
.NTHNokia Series 40 Theme File
.NTPNatron Project File
.NTRKPacific FIghters Online Track File
.NTSLotus Notes Traveler Server Config File
.NTXtheWord Encrypted New Testament Text Module
.NTXClipper Index File
.NTXKA3D N-Gage Texture
.NUANMBNamco Universal Animation Binary
.NUDNow Up-To-Date Calendar File
.NUDNamco Universal Dummy
.NULLNull Ransomware Encrypted File
.NUMBERSApple Numbers Spreadsheet
.NUMBERS-TEFNumbers iCloud Document
.NUMDLBNamco Universal Model Binary
.NUPSmart Security Update File
.NUPKGNuGet Package
.NUPKGNetUpdate Package
.NUPROJNuGet Build Project
.NUS3AUDIONamco Universal Sound 3.0 Audio
.NUS3BANKNamco Universal Sound 3.0 Bank
.NUSPECNuGet Specification File
.NUTSquirrel Script
.NUTNamco Universal Texture
.NUTNUT Video File
.NUTEXBNamco Universal Texture Binary
.NUVNuppelVideo File
.NVNewViews Database File
.NV2NewViews 2 Database File
.NV2Navionics Chart File
.NVANVA Document
.NVCNeroVision Express Project File
.NVCNikon Vignette Correction File
.NVFCreative Labs NVF Audio File
.NVINVIDIA Driver File
.NVLUniChem Results File
.NVMPlayStation 2 BIOS Configuration File
.NVPNVivo for Windows Project
.NVT3NetVue Security Camera Video
.NVVNVIDIA Vertex Shader File
.NWNode-Webkit App Package
.NWBAKNeatWorks Backup File
.NWCNoteWorthy Composer File
.NWCNavisworks Cache File
.NWCABNeat Cabinet File
.NWCPNisus Clipboard Document
.NWCTXTNoteWorthy Composer Text File
.NWDNavisworks Document
.NWDBNeat Database File
.NWELICENSENisus License
.NWFNavisworks File Set
.NWMSony NWM Display Screen File
.NWMNisus Macro
.NWONWChem Output File
.NWPMagentic Wallpaper File
.NWPNow Contact WP Document
.NWPNavisworks Presenter Material Palette File
.NWSWindows Live Mail Newsgroup File
.NWVDragon NaturallySpeaking User Archive
.NXLowRes NX Application
.NXCNot eXactly C Source Code File
.NXGeSite Builder NXG Web Page
.NXINDEXMig Switch Flash Cartridge Index File
.NXLNextlabs Encrypted Data File
.NXSNexus 3D Model
.NXTHEMENintendo Switch Theme
.NYAudacity Nyquist Plug-in
.NYFmyBase Database File
.NZNanoZip Compressed File
.NZBNewzBin Usenet Index File