.NET File Extension

netViz Project File

Developer netViz
3.8  |  38 Votes

What is a NET file?

A NET file contains a project created by netViz Enterprise software, which is a set of programs used to visualize business-related data. It stores information about a project, which includes data and the graphical representation of the data. NET files are often used for diagraming business models and IT infrastructures.

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You most likely will only encounter netViz NET project files if you work in a business setting and use netViz to visualize data related to large information systems. The software was used in the 1990s and 2000s but is no longer developed. Therefore, NET files are rather obscure nowadays.

NET project files are the main file type associated with netViz and can only be created and opened with the program. The file type is the most well known among netViz users since the files store saved projects and are opened directly by users when opening projects.

NOTE: Example projects included with netViz software are often called "Global Network.net" or "Global.net."

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Programs that open NET files

netViz Enterprise software

FileMaker Networking Module

Developer FileMaker
3.6  |  14 Votes

Module used by FileMaker Pro that enables various types of networking support; "FMTCP32.NET" is used for the TCP/IP protocol and "FMIPX32.net" is used for the IPX/SPX protocol; both files are typically installed with the FileMaker application.

Programs that open or reference NET files


Dynagen Network Topology File

Developer N/A
3.3  |  4 Votes

A NET file may also be a virtual network configuration file used by Dynagen and Graphical Network Simulator 3 (GNS3). It contains a plain text description of the virtual servers, ports, and routers to be included in a Dynagen or GNS3 network. NET files are used alongside Dynamips, a Cisco router emulation application, to create virtual networks.

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Dynamips is a Cisco router emulation software that allows network engineers and administrators to configure and connect to virtual copies of Cisco routers. Dynagen is a command-line program that allows engineers and administrators to build entire virtual networks atop Dynamips' virtual routers.

To create a network, engineers and administrators must define the network's included servers, ports, routers, and other settings in a Dynamips NET file. These files are plain text files saved with the .net extension. In addition to specifying the server, port, and router settings, users must also specify the path to their Cisco router disk image and the location at which to save their network's working files.

GNS3 is a GUI-based frontend that allows network engineers and administrators (and often, those preparing to become engineers or administrators) to create Dynagen-style virtual networks without interacting with the command line. GNS3 also uses NET files to specify and load network configurations.

How to open a NET file

Because NET files are plain text files, you can open and edit them using any text editor, such as Notepad (Windows), TextEdit (Mac), or Atom (multiplatform).

After you've finished configuring your NET file (and assuming you have installed Dynagen), you can double-click the file during the Dynagen network setup process to create your Dynagen network.

Programs that open or reference NET files

Included with OS
Included with OS

Rabbit Network Script

Developer kevidryon2
1.0  |  1 Vote

A NET file may also be a network script used by Rabbit, a lightweight web server. It contains instructions Rabbit executes when a user requests a file or webpage. To be used with Rabbit, a NET file must be compiled to the .BNS format.

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Rabbit is a Linux web server developed by Kevin Rossi, also known as kevidryon2. It is written in C and can be installed in any directory.

If a Rabbit user wants to control how the web server responds when a user makes a specific request, they can do so by creating a related NET script (written using Rabbit-specific syntax). They must then compile the script to the BNS format, using Rabbit's included NetC compiler. Finally, they must place the BNS file in Rabbit's ~/​scripts directory.

How to open a NET file

You can open and edit a NET file with Microsoft Visual Studio Code or any other text or source code editor. To use a NET file with Rabbit, you must compile it using the web server's included NetC compiler.

Programs that open or reference NET files

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