.NJK File Extension

Nunjucks Template

Developer Mozilla
2.0  |  2 Votes

What is an NJK file?

An NJK file is a Mozilla Nunjucks template. It contains tags, variables, and expressions written using the Nunjucks templating language. The Nunjucks template engine processes the data an NJK file contains to produce associated JavaScript.

More Information

Nunjucks is a JavaScript template engine that web developers use to create web applications. The Nunjucks engine processes Nunjucks templates, alongside one or more associated data sources, to create resulting JavaScript webpages and apps. Each Nunjucks template is saved as an NJK file.

NJK files are comprised of text written using the Nunjucks templating language. This language's syntax is similar to that of Python and Django. Nunjucks itself is heavily inspired by Jinja, whose templates use a similar syntax and design.

How to open an NJK file

You can open an NJK file with Microsoft Visual Studio Code, Brackets, Sublime Text, or GNU Emacs (as well as any other text or source code editor). Plug-ins for these programs allow them to highlight Nunjucks syntax.

For instructions on how to use an NJK file with Nunjucks, refer to Nunjucks' documentation.

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