Version | 2(as of 1/28/2022) |
Platforms | Windows, Mac |
License | Open Source |
Category | Programming |
Main Features
- Free, open-source HTML, CSS, and JavaScript editor
- Minimalist UI paired with hotkey-based editing features
- Live, in-browser project previews
- Robust extension library and dedicated user community
Software Overview
Brackets is a free, open-source code editor designed for use by web and front-end developers. Adobe originally developed Brackets, but the program's user community now maintains it at
Developers use Brackets to write .HTML, .CSS, and .JS (JavaScript) documents. The program's minimalist UI allows developers to focus on coding without being distracted by extraneous windows and toolbars. Instead, developers typically access Brackets' code editing features using hotkeys. For example, developers can press Ctrl + E (Cmd + E in macOS) to quickly view and edit the CSS styles associated with an HTML tag they are editing.
Brackets also allows developers to preview projects live in their web browser. When previewing a project, any changes the developer makes to that project are automatically reflected in its in-browser preview. Users who want to add additional features to Brackets can take advantage of the program's robust extension library, or they can write their own extension, with help from the community if needed.
Web and front-end developers looking for a streamlined, open-source code editor will find a lot to like in Brackets. Those who fall in love with Brackets can even contribute to the program's future, by creating extensions and joining the development community at
Primary File Type

Supported File Types
Extension | File Type |
.HTML | Hypertext Markup Language File |
.ASAX | ASP.NET Server Application File |
.ASHX | ASP.NET Web Handler File |
.ASPX | Active Server Page Extended Webpage |
.ATOM | Atom Syndication Format File |
.C | C/C++ Source Code File |
.CC | C++ Source Code File |
.CFC | ColdFusion Component File |
.CFM | ColdFusion Markup File |
.CFML | ColdFusion Markup Language File |
.COFFEE | CoffeeScript JavaScript File |
.CONFIG | Configuration File |
.CP | Xcode C++ Source File |
.CPP | C++ Source Code File |
.CS | C# Source Code File |
.CSHTML | ASP.NET Razor Webpage |
.CSS | Cascading Style Sheet |
.CXX | C++ Source Code File |
.DHTML | Dynamic HTML file |
.DIFF | Patch File |
.EJS | Embedded JavaScript Template |
.GEMSPEC | Gem Specification File |
.GIF | Graphical Interchange Format File |
.GROOVY | Groovy Source Code File |
.H | C/C++/Objective-C Header File |
.HANDLEBARS | Handlebars Template |
.HBS | Handlebars Template |
.HH | C++ Header File |
.HPP | C++ Header File |
.HTM | Hypertext Markup Language File |
.HX | Haxe Source Code Module |
.HXX | C++ Source Code Header File |
.I | INTERCAL Source File |
.INI | Windows Initialization File |
.JAVA | Java Source Code File |
.JPE | JPEG Image |
.JPEG | JPEG Image |
.JPG | JPEG Image |
.JS | JavaScript File |
.JSON | JavaScript Object Notation File |
.JSP | Jakarta Server Page |
.JSX | ExtendScript Script File |
.JSX | React JavaScript File |
.KIT | CodeKit File |
.LESS | LESS Style Sheet |
.LUA | Lua Source Code |
.MARKDOWN | Markdown Documentation File |
.MD | Markdown Documentation File |
.MDOWN | Markdown File |
.MKD | Markdown Documentation File |
.PATCH | Patch File |
.PHP | PHP Source Code File |
.PHP3 | PHP 3 Web Page |
.PHP4 | PHP 4 Web Page |
.PHP5 | PHP 5 Web Page |
.PHTM | PHP-Based Web Page |
.PHTML | PHP Web Page |
.PL | Perl Script |
.PM | Perl Module |
.PNG | Portable Network Graphic |
.PROPERTIES | Java Properties File |
.PY | Python Script |
.PYW | Python GUI Source File |
.RB | Ruby Source Code |
.RDF | Resource Description Framework File |
.RSS | Rich Site Summary |
.RU | Java Russian Font Properties File |
.SASS | Syntactically Awesome StyleSheets File |
.SCALA | Scala Source Code File |
.SCSS | Sass Cascading Style Sheet |
.SH | Bash Shell Script |
.SHTM | HTML Server Side Include File |
.SQL | Structured Query Language Data File |
.SVG | Scalable Vector Graphic |
.TPL | HTTP File Server Template |
.TWIG | Twig Template |
.WSDL | Web Services Description Language File |
.WXL | WiX Localization File |
.WXS | WiX Source File |
.XBL | Extensible Binding Language File |
.XHT | XHTML File |
.XHTML | Extensible Hypertext Markup Language File |
.XML | XML File |
.XSLT | Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations File |
.XUL | XML User Interface Language File |
.YAML | YAML Document |
.YML | YAML Document |