.NED File Extension

OMNeT++ Network Description File

Developer OMNeT++ Community
2.3  |  6 Votes

What is a NED file?

Network definition file created by OmniNET++, a software package used for building network simulators; stores the network topology structure; used for describing the logical structure of the network that will be simulated in the software.

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NED files do not specify the behavior of the network. Instead, they behavior is defined by a complementary C++ source code file (.CC or .CPP file). Once a NED file and the corresponding C++ behavior file are created, the network can be simulated.

Network description files can be created using a plain text editor, or by using the OMNeT++ IDE, which is included with the OMNeT++ download package.

NOTE: OMNeT is also referred to as "omnipp," where "pp" stands for "plus plus."

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Programs that open or reference NED files


Nerd Tracker 2 Module

Developer Michel Ivaniec
2.0  |  1 Vote

A NED file may also be a music module created by Nerd Tracker 2, an audio tracker program. It contains MIDI data and sound samples that comprise a song. NED files are similar to other music tracker files, such as .XM and .MOD files, but are saved in the Nerd Tracker Module (NED) format.

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Screenshot of a .ned file in Nerd Tracker 2
NED file open in Nerd Tracker 2

Nerdtracker 2, or Nerdtracker II, is a music tracker released in the 1990s by Michel Ivaniec for MS-DOS. It specializes in creating music for the Nintendo Entertainment System (Nintendo Famicom).

The software allows you to create music by arranging patterns of samples and instruments in tracks. When saving a composition, Nerd Tracker 2 creates a NED file to store the music.

Ivaniec eventually stopped developing the program as other music trackers became more popular. However, various fans of the music tracker ported it to modern Windows operating systems.

How to open a NED file

You can open a NED file with the port of Nerd Tracker 2 to modern Windows operating systems. For example, to open a NED file with Nerd Tracker 2, type Left Ctrl+L.

Programs that open NED files


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