.PDN File Extension
paint.net Image
Developer | Rick Brewster |
Popularity |
4.0 | 61 Votes |
What is a PDN file?
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Paint.net is an image and photo editor that allows Windows users to add effects, adjustments, layers, text, and shapes to their images. If a user wants to retain a record of the edits and additions they've made to an image, they can save the image as a PDN file (by selecting File → Save As... and selecting PDN in the Save as type: field).
Saving an image as a PDN file allows users to continue editing that image's layers and effects as needed. In contrast, saving an image to any of the other file formats paint.net supports will flatten it, compressing all the image's layers into one.
How to open a PDN file
You can open a PDN file in paint.net (Windows). To do so, select File → Open... from the program's menu bar. Then, navigate to and open your PDN file.
How to convert a PDN file
You can use paint.net's File → Save As... feature to convert PDN files to the following image formats:
Programs that open PDN files
Portable Draughts Notation File
Developer | Wieger Wesselink |
Popularity |
3.3 | 6 Votes |
A PDN file may also be a game data file that stores a recorded draughts game (known as "checkers" in America) in the Portable Draughts Notation (PDN) standard. It stores plain text information, which includes each move made by the players and game metadata, such as when the game was played and who played it.
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Draughts is a two-player board game that involves diagonal moves and jumping over opposing pieces. Internationally, the game is called draughts and is typically played on a 10x10 board. In America, draughts is more commonly referred to as checkers and played on an 8x8 board.
Draughts players compete online in tournaments with other players through draughts programs that record and save the matches. The PDN file format is the most common type for storing recordings of games. Players can replay games with a Draughts program that supports the PDN format.
What is the PDN format?
The PDN file format typically consists of two sections. One section is made up of key-value pairs that store metadata about the recorded game and the other section stores the recorded moves for the game:
- Game metadata - includes the event when the game was played, the location where it was played, the date of the game, players involved, game result, and cumulative time each player used to play
- Recorded moves - Includes the move number, the space that the piece moved from, and the space that the piece moved to
How to open a PDN file
You can open PDN files with various draughts programs, including Dragon Draughts (Windows) and Checkersland (multiplatform). These programs replay the moves recorded in the game and display information about the game.
Since PDN files are saved in plain text, you can also open them with text editors, such as Microsoft Notepad (Windows), Apple TextEdit (macOS), and Microsoft Visual Studio Code (multiplatform). These options are useful for modifying the recorded game stored in a PDN file.
NOTE: Keep in mind, text or source code editors display PDN files as plain text and do not replay the recorded game.