Gaming Software Software Program Rating Minecraft (Mojang)4.1 Cube 2 Sauerbraten4.0 PCSX23.9 VisualBoyAdvance (VBA Team)3.9 The Sims 3 (Electronic Arts)3.9 BrawlBox3.9 SimCity 4 (Electronic Arts)3.9 QuArK3.8 Quake 3 (id Software)3.8 ZSNES3.8 World of Warcraft (Blizzard)3.8 StarCraft 2 (Blizzard)3.8 MAME3.7 IncrediBots3.7 Spatterlight3.7 MKDS Course Modifier3.7 DeSmuME3.6 Descent 2 (Interplay)3.6 Unreal Tournament (Epic Games)3.5 Snes9x3.5 Project643.5 Nestopia3.4 StepMania3.4 The Sims 4 (Electronic Arts)3.4 The Sims (Electronic Arts)3.3 SuperTux3.3 Flight Simulator (Microsoft)3.3 Star Wars Jedi Knight Jedi Academy (Raven Software)3.3 AGiliTy (Robert Masenten)3.3 Fallout 2 (Bethesda Softworks)3.3 Dolphin3.2 StarCraft (Blizzard)3.2 Zoom3.1 Aleph One3.0 QNonograms3.0 Rigs of Rods3.0 Parchment3.0 Kega Fusion (Steve Snake)3.0 MAME OS X (Dave Dribin)2.9 Twisty for Android (Twisty Team)2.8 Windows Frotz2.7 Pokemon Type Wild2.7 UnrealEd (Epic Games)2.7 Text Fiction for Android (Onyxbits)2.6 Black and White (Lionhead Studios)2.5 MilkShape 3D (chUmbaLum sOft)2.5 Hedgewars2.4 ScummVM2.3 MacMAME2.3 The Sims 2 (Electronic Arts)2.1 Scelight (Andras Belicza)2.1