Version0.16(as of 6/22/2016)
PlatformsWindows, Mac, Linux
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Rating:3.7  |  18 Votes

Main Features

  • Emulates several thousand arcade games
  • Saves game progress and replays
  • Configures keyboard mappings and hotkeys for use in a game

Software Overview

MAME is a free, cross-platform arcade machine emulator. It is mainly developed for Windows but OS X and Linux are supported through the SDLMAME project. The software is available as a binary or source code download. MAME stands for multiple arcade machine emulator.

MAME can emulate several thousand arcade games dating back from the 1970s to today. The emulator requires the original arcade game's ROM and disk data images in order to reproduce the game. MAME comes with several features including the ability to save game progress, game replays, object layouts in a game, and high scores.

MAME is mainly designed to preserve arcade games rather than actually playing them. The emulator is not intended to infringe on copyrights or patents and requires that you own the original ROMs, CDs, or hard disks from the arcade machines. If you do own these elements, MAME is a great choice for emulating arcade classics.

Primary File Type

zip icon.ZIPMAME Game ROM

Supported File Types

ExtensionFile Type
.68KSEGA Mega Drive & Genesis Classics ROM File
.CFGMAME Configuration File
.CHDCompressed Hunks of Data File
.HIMacMAME High Scores File
.INPMAME Replay File
.LAYMAME Layout File
.LNGMAME Language File
.STAMAME Saved State File
Updated 6/22/2016