Version6.6(as of 12/15/2023)
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Rating:3.8  |  36 Votes

Main Features

  • Editor for Quake and Quake-adjacent games
  • Includes a robust map editor
  • Can edit and replace models, sounds, and textures
  • Can create and modify PAK and PK3 archives

Software Overview

Screenshot of QuArK 6.6
Screenshot of QuArK 6.6

QuArK (short for Quake Army Knife) is a utility that modders use to edit id Software Quake and other games that use variants of the Quake engine. While QuArK is primarily a map editor, it also allows users to edit and/or replace game models, sounds, and textures.

Some of the other games QuArK supports include Quake II, III, and 4, Half-Life and Half-Life 2, Team Fortress 2, and Doom 3. For a complete list of the games QuArK supports, click here.

QuArK users can also modify and create .PAK and .PK3 archives, for use with associated games. Additionally, QuArK's active and enterprising user community has created several plug-ins that extend the tool's functionality.


If you're looking for a versatile game editor for Quake or Quake-adjacent games, QuArK may be the tool for you. Its deep feature set, robust infobase, and active user community make QuArK a great choice for modifying game maps, game data archives, and other assets.

Primary File Type

pak icon.PAKVideo Game Package

Supported File Types

ExtensionFile Type
.PAKVideo Game Package
.BSPQuake or Source Engine Game Map
.MAPQuake Engine Game Map
.MD2Quake 2 3D Model
.MD3Quake 3 3D Model
.MD5ANIMid Tech 4 Model Animation File
.MD5MESHid Tech 4 3D Mesh File
.PK3Quake 3 Engine Game Data
.PK4Doom 3 Engine Game Data File
.QCQuakeC Source Code File
.QRKQuArK Configuration File
.VMFValve Map File
.VMTValve Material File
.WADDoom WAD File
.WALQuake 2 Texture
Updated 12/15/2023