Version6(as of 1/23/2023)
PlatformsWindows, Mac, Linux
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Rating:2.4  |  38 Votes

Main Features

  • Qt Creator for Qt Meta Language development
  • Qt Design Studio for designing GUIs
  • Qt Test for testing applications
  • Qt Linguist for translating Qt, C++, and Qt Quick applications
  • Qt Help for creating embedded help documentation

Software Overview

Qt SDK is a software development kit designed for creating graphical user interfaces (GUIs) for desktop and mobile applications. It supports multi-platform development for Windows, macOS, Linux, Android, and iOS.

Developers can use several tools in the Qt SDK to create app interfaces. The default language is QML (the Qt Meta Language), but the SDK also supports C++, JavaScript, and Python. Qt Creator is the primary IDE app developers use to create programs. Other utilities include:

  • Qt Design Studio - A tool used to wireframe and prototype GUIs
  • Qt Test - A tool for testing Qt applications
  • Qt Linguist - A tool used to translate Qt, C++, and Qt Quick applications into local languages
  • Qt Help - A tool for creating and embedding help documentation in applications


While Qt SDK is robust and useful for developing GUIs and cross-platform applications, it is most useful for those who prefer to code in the Qt Meta Language.

Primary File Type

pro icon.PROQt Project File

Supported File Types

ExtensionFile Type
.PROQt Project File
.PRIQt Project Include File
.QMQt Compiled Translation Source File
.QMLQt Modeling Language File
.QPHQt Phrase Books File
.QRCQt Resource Collection File
.QSQt Install Script
.QSSQt Style Sheet
.TSQt Translation Source File
.UIUser Interface File

Additional Related File Types

ExtensionFile Type
.HXXC++ Source Code Header File
Updated 1/23/2023