Encoded Files
Encoded files are files that store data in an encoded format. These include encrypted files, uncompressed archives, and binary-encoded text files. Files are often encoded for security purposes and to keep them from being corrupted during data tranfers.
Common encoded file extensions include .MIM, .BIN, and .UUE.
Extension | File Type | Popularity |
.BHX | BinHex Encoded File | 4.6 |
.C9R | Cryptomator Encrypted Data | 4.5 |
.POOP | POOP Ransomware Encrypted File | 4.5 |
.ECD | Encrypted Cryptee Document | 4.4 |
.KDE | KryptoStorage Container File | 4.4 |
.PURGE | Globe Ransomware Encrypted File | 4.4 |
.RZK | Red Zion Key File | 4.3 |
.GERO | GERO Ransomware Encrypted File | 4.3 |
.PCV | Picocrypt Encrypted File | 4.3 |
.VLT | WinVault File Archive | 4.3 |
.PACK | Pack200 Packed Jar File | 4.3 |
.SUF | Ccrypt Encrypted File | 4.3 |
.FILEBOLT | Filebolt Encrypted File | 4.3 |
.SEF | Encryptafile Signature File | 4.3 |
.GXK | Galaxkey Secured File | 4.3 |
.SDFI | Softing Data File | 4.3 |
.CNG | CryptoNG Encrypted Archive | 4.2 |
.EIUR | EIUR Ransomware Encrypted File | 4.2 |
.BPK | Nero SecurDisc Public Key File | 4.2 |
.CPIO | Unix CPIO Archive | 4.2 |
.LASTLOGIN | Minecraft User Credential File | 4.2 |
.SNK | Strong Name Key File | 4.2 |
.BLOWER | Blower Ransomware Encrypted File | 4.2 |
.ACID | ACID Encrypted File | 4.1 |
.ATSOFTS | LetEncrypt Encrypted File | 4.1 |
.AXX | AxCrypt Encrypted File | 4.0 |
.SCB | Euro Truck Simulator 2 Product Key File | 4.0 |
.ODIN | Locky Ransomware Encrypted File | 4.0 |
.GDCB | GandCrab Ransomware Encrypted File | 4.0 |
.BFA | Blowfish Encrypted File | 4.0 |
.DCO | Safetica Free Encrypted Virtual Disk Archive | 4.0 |
.ENX | Max PC Safe Encrypted File | 4.0 |
.JMCX | JM-Crypt Encrypted File | 4.0 |
.ADAME | Adame Ransomware Encrypted File | 4.0 |
.R2U | R2U Ransomware Encrypted File | 4.0 |
.BCUP | Buttercup Vault | 4.0 |
.EFR | Encryptafile Private Key File | 4.0 |
.SIGNATURE | e-Filing Digital Signature File | 4.0 |
.RAP | Scarab Ransomware Encrypted File | 4.0 |
.LOCKER | NordLocker Encrypted Archive | 4.0 |
.ASC | PGP ASCII Armored File | 4.0 |
.REM | BlackBerry Encrypted Media | 3.9 |
.PXF | Pendix Firmware File | 3.9 |
.RTE | RTE Encoded File | 3.9 |
.PLP | Photo Locker Picture | 3.9 |
.GPG | GNU Privacy Guard Encrypted File | 3.9 |
.SDTID | SecurID Soft Token File | 3.9 |
.ZPS | Zebra Portable Safe File | 3.8 |
.JCEKS | JCEKS Keystore File | 3.8 |
.CUID2 | Baidu Device ID File | 3.8 |
.MEO | MEO Encrypted Archive | 3.8 |
.TAR.MD5 | Android System File | 3.8 |
.SAFE | SIGLock Encrypted File | 3.8 |
.XXX | Extractor Ransomware Encrypted File | 3.8 |
.BIN | MacBinary Encoded File | 3.8 |
.BIT | FinalCrypt Encrypted Data File | 3.7 |
.NC | mcrypt Encrypted File | 3.7 |
.SEC | PGP Secret Key Ring | 3.7 |
.SHY | ShyFile Encrypted File | 3.7 |
.MJD | Adobe Acrobat MIME Encoded Job Definition File | 3.7 |
.SCB | Scrambls Encrypted File | 3.7 |
.CERBER2 | Cerber2 Ransomware Encrypted File | 3.7 |
.XTBL | XTBL Ransomware Encrypted File | 3.7 |
.DDOC | DigiDoc Signature File | 3.7 |
.APKM | Android App Bundle Mirror | 3.7 |
.FC | Paradise Ransomware Encrypted File | 3.7 |
.BCA | BCArchive Encrypted Archive | 3.7 |
.CRYPTRA | Cryptra Encrypted File | 3.7 |
.NXL | Nextlabs Encrypted Data File | 3.7 |
.STXT | Sealed Text File | 3.7 |
.FILM | Filmkey Player Media File | 3.7 |
.KRAB | GandCrab V4 Ransomware Encrypted File | 3.6 |
.SDOC | Sealed Word Document | 3.6 |
.HQX | BinHex 4.0 Encoded File | 3.6 |
.RSDF | RapidShare Download File | 3.6 |
.ENC | Encoded File | 3.6 |
.PWV | Password Vault Archive | 3.6 |
.LOCKED | Ransomware Encrypted File | 3.6 |
.WOLF | Wolf RPG Editor Game Data Archive | 3.6 |
.EDOC | Electronically Certified Document | 3.6 |
.MME | Multi-Purpose Internet Mail | 3.6 |
.BPW | Bitser Password File | 3.6 |
.CDOC | Encrypted DigiDoc File | 3.6 |
.MSE | 3ds Max Encrypted MAXScript File | 3.5 |
.DCF | Safetica Free Encrypted Archive | 3.5 |
.JMC | JM-Crypt Encrypted File | 3.5 |
.SIA | Sia Metadata File | 3.5 |
.HOOP | HOOP Ransomware Encrypted File | 3.5 |
.QSCX | QSCX Ransomware Encrypted File | 3.5 |
.QEWE | QEWE Ransomware Encrypted File | 3.5 |
.KK | SyncCrypt Ransomware Encrypted File | 3.5 |
.B2A | Btoa Encoded File | 3.5 |
.SRF | Samsung Smart TV Recording | 3.5 |
.UFR | Upfiring File | 3.5 |
.DED | DED Cryptor Ransomware Encrypted File | 3.5 |
.EOC | EncryptOnClick Encrypted File | 3.5 |
.SALMA | Salma Ransomware Encrypted File | 3.5 |
.PYENC | PyFileEncrypt Encrypted File | 3.5 |
.RUMBA | RUMBA Ransomware Encrypted File | 3.5 |
.RADMAN | RADMAN Ransomware Encrypted File | 3.5 |
.MICRO | TeslaCrypt 3.0 Ransomware Encrypted File | 3.5 |
.ZIP.ENC | Facebook User Information Encrypted Archive | 3.5 |
.RENSENWARE | Rensenware Encrypted File | 3.5 |
.SEB | Safe Exam Browser Configuration File | 3.5 |
.VDATA | Vaulty Vault File | 3.5 |
.UU | Uuencoded File | 3.5 |
.PDC | Safeguard PDF Security Protected PDF | 3.5 |
.UUE | Uuencoded File | 3.5 |
.CRYPT | CryptXXX Ransomware Encrypted File | 3.5 |
.FGSF | Files by Google Safe Folder Encrypted File | 3.4 |
.VIIVO | Viivo Encrypted File | 3.4 |
.ESLOCK | ES File Explorer File Manager Encrypted File | 3.4 |
.EFU | Encryptafile Public Key File | 3.4 |
.BSK | Nero SecurDisc Private Key File | 3.4 |
.XMDX | SofTest Answer File | 3.4 |
.JKS | Java Keystore File | 3.4 |
.AES | AES Crypt Encrypted File | 3.4 |
.VP | Verilog Encrypted Source Code File | 3.4 |
.LCN | License File | 3.4 |
.NULL | Null Ransomware Encrypted File | 3.4 |
.SAF | SafeText Document | 3.4 |
.XXE | XXEncoded File | 3.3 |
.PFX | PKCS #12 Certificate File | 3.3 |
.YKCOL | Locky Ransomware Encrypted File | 3.3 |
.PSW6 | Password Depot 6 File | 3.3 |
.CERBER | Cerber Ransomware Encrypted File | 3.3 |
.EFDC | EFDC Ransomware Encrypted File | 3.3 |
.AZS | AirZip FileSECURE File | 3.3 |
.SXLS | Sealed Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet | 3.3 |
.COOT | Coot Ransomware Encrypted File | 3.3 |
.MERRY | Merry X-Mas Ransomware Encrypted File | 3.3 |
.JAC | JaStaCry Encrypted File | 3.3 |
.MIM | Multi-Purpose Internet Mail Message File | 3.3 |
.KEYSTORE | Java Keystore File | 3.3 |
.FDP | MySafe Encrypted Data | 3.3 |
.CRYPT1 | UltraCrypter Ransomware Encrypted File | 3.3 |
.HTPASSWD | Apache HTACCESS File | 3.3 |
.MNC | AutoCAD Compiled Menu File | 3.3 |
.PDEX | Orient Computer Encrypted Data File | 3.3 |
.ENCRYPTED | Crypren Ransomware Encrypted File | 3.3 |
.DM | LG Encrypted Gallery File | 3.3 |
.HID | KeepSafe File | 3.3 |
.MIME | Multi-Purpose Internet Mail Extension | 3.3 |
.EMC | Striata Reader Encrypted Document | 3.3 |
.SPDF | Sealed PDF File | 3.3 |
.DC4 | ViaThinkSoft (De)Coder 4 File | 3.3 |
.DIME | Direct Internet Message Encapsulation File | 3.3 |
.SFI | SafeFolder Encrypted File | 3.3 |
.KODE | KodeFile Encrypted File | 3.3 |
.GIVEMENITRO | Nitro Ransomware | 3.3 |
.CRYPTO | Encrypto Encrypted File | 3.2 |
.CPT | Ccrypt Encrypted Archive | 3.2 |
.HID2 | KeepSafe File | 3.2 |
.CRYPTED | WinOptimizer Encrypted File | 3.2 |
.GFE | Glarysoft Encrypted File | 3.2 |
.WNRY | WannaCry Virus Encrypted File | 3.2 |
.ESF | Password Manager Container File | 3.1 |
.PFILE | Rights Management Protected File | 3.1 |
.DLC | Download Link Container File | 3.1 |
.AFP | FileProtector Encrypted File | 3.1 |
.SA | Xiaomi Mobile Phone Hidden File | 3.0 |
.WNCRY | Wana Decrypt0r 2.0 Encrypted File | 3.0 |
.XEF | WinAce Encrypted File | 3.0 |
.CCF | CryptLoad Container File | 3.0 |
.YNC | yEnc Encoded File | 3.0 |
.CEF | CenturionMail Encrypted Package | 3.0 |
.AEP | Advanced Encryption Package Encrypted File | 3.0 |
.WRYPT | Panwrypter Depleted Storage Volume File | 3.0 |
.WALLET | Wallet Ransomware | 3.0 |
.WLU | Jaff Ransomware Encrypted File | 3.0 |
.SJPG | Sealed JPG File | 3.0 |
.AURORA | Aurora Ransomware Encrypted File | 3.0 |
.ADOBE | Dharma Ransomware Encrypted File | 3.0 |
.NBES | Nbes Ransomware Encrypted File | 3.0 |
.R5A | 7ev3n Ransomware Encrypted File | 3.0 |
.CONTI | Conti Ransomware Encrypted File | 3.0 |
.CADQ | CADQ Ransomware Encrypted File | 3.0 |
.DJVU | STOP DJVU Ransomware Encrypted File | 3.0 |
.WRUI | WRUI Ransomware Encrypted File | 3.0 |
.SSPQ | SSPQ Ransomware Encrypted File | 3.0 |
.EDFW | Efficient Diary File | 3.0 |
.RYK | Ryuk Ransomware Encrypted File | 3.0 |
.MAAS | MAAS Ransomware Encrypted File | 3.0 |
.EEGF | EEGF Ransomware Encrypted File | 3.0 |
.LILITH | Lilith Ransomware Encrypted File | 3.0 |
.TCVP | TCVP Ransomware Encrypted File | 3.0 |
.NITZ | NITZ Ransomware Encrypted File | 3.0 |
.KIFR | KIFR Ransomware Encrypted File | 3.0 |
.ELBIE | Elbie Ransomware Encrypted File | 3.0 |
.PTRZ | PTRZ Ransomware Encrypted File | 3.0 |
.DIM | DIME File | 3.0 |
.SPD | Sealed Acrobat Document | 3.0 |
.JCRYPT | JCRYPT File | 3.0 |
.SDO | Signed Document | 3.0 |
.JMCE | JM-Crypt Encrypted File | 3.0 |
.BIP | Dharma Ransomware Encrypted File | 3.0 |
.PDY | StarMoney Encrypted Document | 3.0 |
.CODERCRYPT | CoderWare Encrypted File | 3.0 |
.FPENC | FileProtect Encrypted File | 3.0 |
.WPE | WordPerfect Entrust Document | 3.0 |
.KSD | KeepSafe File | 2.9 |
.ZZZZZ | Ransomware Encrypted File | 2.9 |
.SAFETEXT | SafeText Document | 2.9 |
.IDEA | Tresor IDEA Encrypted File | 2.9 |
.PPDF | Rights Management Protected File | 2.9 |
.DCD | DisCryptor Encrypted Database | 2.8 |
.FUN | Jigsaw Ransomware Encrypted File | 2.8 |
.MTZU | MTZU Ransomware Encrypted File | 2.8 |
.BVD | Bitdefender Vault File | 2.7 |
.BFE | Bcrypt Encrypted File | 2.7 |
.MFS | MetFS Encrypted File System | 2.7 |
.SGZ | SigzaLock Encrypted File | 2.7 |
.PFO | Private Folder | 2.7 |
.PARADISE | Paradise Ransomware Encrypted File | 2.7 |
.UUD | UUDecoded File | 2.7 |
.RDI | Rohos Disk Image File | 2.7 |
.WERD | Werd Ransomware Encrypted File | 2.7 |
.K3Y | USB Raptor Password File | 2.7 |
.SQZ | digitalSQZ Encrypted File | 2.7 |
.UIWIX | UIWIX Ransomware Encrypted File | 2.7 |
.GOOD | Scatter Ransomware Encrypted File | 2.7 |
.SSOI | SSOI Ransomware Encrypted File | 2.7 |
.MEDUSA | Medusa Ransomware Encrypted File | 2.7 |
.ZEPTO | Zepto Virus File | 2.6 |
.MKF | BlackBerry Encrypted Media Key File | 2.6 |
.PKEY | PowerKey Encrypted File | 2.6 |
.HEX | BinHex Encoded File | 2.6 |
.KLQ | Kaspersky Quarantine File | 2.6 |
.KXX | Keyman Developer Encrypted Keyboard File | 2.6 |
.EFL | Encryptafile Encrypted File | 2.5 |
.STOP | STOP Ransomware Encrypted File | 2.5 |
.LQQW | LQQW Ransomware Encrypted File | 2.5 |
.WIOT | WIOT Ransomware Encrypted File | 2.5 |
.EEWT | EEWT Ransomware Encrypted File | 2.5 |
.NMO | NMO Ransomware Encrypted File | 2.5 |
.RZX | File Crypt Encrypted File | 2.5 |
.CHML | Chameleon Encrypted Database File | 2.5 |
.ENX | eDataSecurity Management Encrypted File | 2.5 |
.JMCK | JM-Crypt Key File | 2.5 |
.## | Encrypt Easy Encrypted File | 2.5 |
.SWITCH | Switch Package | 2.4 |
.LOCKY | Locky Ransomware Encrypted File | 2.4 |
.REPP | Repp Ransomware Encrypted File | 2.4 |
.CGP | PixelCryptor Encrypted File | 2.4 |
.LUCY | Black Rose Lucy Ransomware Encrypted File | 2.3 |
.EXC | eDataSecurity Management Self-extracting File | 2.3 |
.LVIVT | Lvivtotoro Encrypted Game File | 2.3 |
.WLS | R-Link Update File | 2.3 |
.YENC | yEnc File | 2.3 |
.E4A | Encrypt4all Archive | 2.2 |
.MCRP | MobyExplorer Encrypted File | 2.2 |
.KKK | KKK Ransomware Encrypted File | 2.2 |
.IWA | iWork Archive File | 2.2 |
.SME | SmartEncryptor Encrypted File | 2.1 |
.FSM | Splitty Master Split File | 2.0 |
.U2K | U2K Ransomware Encrypted File | 2.0 |
.CLX | Ceelox SecureMail Secure Message | 2.0 |
.UEA | Protector Suite QL Encrypted Archive | 2.0 |
.JMCP | JM-Crypt Encrypted File | 2.0 |
.JMCR | JM-Crypt Encrypted File | 2.0 |
.BC5B | BC5B Ransomware Encrypted File | 2.0 |
.PXX | Keyman Developer Encrypted Customization File | 2.0 |
.GZQUAR | Bitdefender Antivirus Quarantine File | 2.0 |
.LITAR | Litar Virus Encrypted File | 2.0 |
.LILOCKED | Lilocked Ransomware Encrypted File | 2.0 |
.SLE | Steganos Safe Encrypted Drive | 2.0 |
.MBA | Martus Bulletin Archive | 2.0 |
.DHARMA | Dharma Ransomware Encrypted File | 2.0 |
.CTBL | CTB-Locker Ransomware Encrypted File | 2.0 |
.FONIX | Fonix Ransomware Encrypted File | 2.0 |
.RCRYPTED | Ryuk Ransomware Encrypted File | 2.0 |
.AZE | Amaze Encrypted File | 2.0 |
.DJVUS | STOP DJVUS Ransomware Encrypted File | 2.0 |
.WNCRYT | Wana Decrypt0r 2.0 Temporary File | 2.0 |
.SAGE | Sage Ransomware Encrypted File | 2.0 |
.VTYM | VTYM Ransomware | 2.0 |
.RRBB | RRBB Ransomware Encrypted File | 2.0 |
.MCQ | VirusScan Quarantined Data | 2.0 |
.KCXZ | KCXZ Ransomware Encrypted File | 2.0 |
.EFJI | EFJI Ransomware Encrypted File | 2.0 |
.DEVOS | Devos Ransomware Encrypted File | 2.0 |
.PPENC | Privacy Protector Encrypted File | 2.0 |
.SF | APK Digital Signature | 2.0 |
.AESIR | Locky Ransomware Encrypted File | 2.0 |
.THOR | Locky Ransomware Encrypted File | 2.0 |
.SEF | Password Manager Container File | 1.8 |
.KS | Keystore File | 1.8 |
.BTOA | Binary-to-ASCII Encoded File | 1.7 |
.AZF | AirZip FileSECURE File | 1.5 |
.SXML | Sealed XML File | 1.5 |
.CAROTE | Carote Ransomware Encrypted File | 1.5 |
.CUID | Baidu SDK File | 1.5 |
.VOOM | VOOM Ransomware Encrypted File | 1.5 |
.WCRY | WannaCry Virus Encrypted File | 1.4 |
.AAA | CryptoWall Ransomware Encrypted File | 1.3 |
.EXTR | COW App Extractor File | 1.2 |
.HBX | BinHex Encoded File | 1.0 |
.LXV | JumpDrive Secure II Vault | 1.0 |