.XXX File Extension

Compucon Singer Embroidery File

Developer Compucon USA
3.5  |  103 Votes

What is an XXX file?

File used by Compucon's Embroidery Operating System (EOS), a program used to create embroideries and other patterns for Compucon sewing machines; contains a stitch pattern, including color, lettering, design patterns, stitch density, and size.

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XXX files may be loaded onto a sewing machine to automatically create embroideries. They may also be converted into formats usable by other types of sewing machines.

NOTE: The file extension ".xxx" may also be used as a placeholder for a generic or undefined file extension.

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Programs that open XXX files

Compucon USA EOS
BALARAD Embird Suite

Extractor Ransomware Encrypted File

Developer N/A
3.8  |  14 Votes

An XXX file may also be a file encrypted by Extractor ransomware, a trojan horse utilized by cybercriminals. It contains a user's file, such as an .XLS or .PDF file, that has been encrypted to prevent it from opening. XXX files became prevalent in 2017 and are similar to .LOCKY files.

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The purpose of Extractor ransomware is to take your files hostage and force you to pay the perpetrator to unlock your files. The virus is a trojan horse that is typically introduced through fake updates or downloads or email attachments. Once the virus affects your computer it begins scrambling your files, renaming them, and encrypting them. The virus then generates a .TXT (ReadMe_XXX.txt) ransom note informing you of the takeover and what you are meant to do to recover your files.

How to open an XXX file

No known program can restore XXX files to their original state. The best way to recover your files is to retrieve them from a recent backup or perform a System Restore to a point before your computer was infected.


FileInfo.com recommends you never pay a ransom to decrypt files encrypted by ransomware. Paying a ransom encourages ransomware distributors to continue their efforts, and there is no guarantee that paying a ransom will give you access to your files. Instead, you should restore your data from a recent backup created before the ransomware infected your computer.

Programs that open XXX files

System Restore

Unreal Engine 3 Cooked Content

Developer Epic Games
2.0  |  1 Vote

An XXX file may also be a game data file used by a video game developed using Unreal Engine 3. It may contain various types of game data, including textures, models, sounds, animations, or other assets. XXX files are processed (or "cooked") files and not meant to be opened.

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Epic Games Unreal Engine is a popular game development engine used by professional and indie video game developers. Professional game development studios used version 3 of Unreal Engine to develop Life is Strange, Mortal Kombat X, Transformers: War for Cybertron, and other popular games.

Some games developed using Unreal Engine 3, including those noted above, store cooked versions of various game assets in XXX files. For example, Mortal Kombat X stores in-game music and other audio files in XXX files. These files have been processed and optimized by the Unreal Engine, to reduce their file size and optimize them for use in a video game. Thus, developers cannot open them as they would unprocessed .UPK files.

NOTE: XXX files are similar to the .PAK files used by some other Unreal Engine 3 games.

How to open an XXX file

XXX files are not meant to be opened. While game modders and enthusiasts have developed utilities that can open or extract assets from some types of XXX files, these utilities do not work universally with all XXX files. For example, UE Viewer (Windows, Linux) can open XXX files that contain 3D models, but it cannot open XXX files that contain audio files.

Programs that open XXX files

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