.CRYPT File Extension

WhatsApp Encrypted Database

Developer WhatsApp
3.4  |  174 Votes

What is a CRYPT file?

A CRYPT file is an encrypted backup file created by the Android version of WhatsApp Messenger, a popular messaging application. It contains either an archive of a user's WhatsApp messages or a backup of the user's WhatsApp settings.

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WhatsApp regularly creates encrypted backups of users' message history. These backups are saved as some variation of a CRYPT file. To prevent malicious entities from being able to decrypt stolen CRYPT files, WhatsApp periodically updates the encryption used to create the files. When WhatsApp updates CRYPT files' encryption, they also append a new number to the files' extensions. That is why you may have encountered .CRYPT6, .CRYPT8, .CRYPT10, .CRYPT12, and .CRYPT14 files.

CRYPT files saved using the .CRYPT1 extension do not contain a backup of a user's messages. Instead, these files contain a record of a user's sent and received stickers, chat settings, and contact status rankings.

How do I manually create a CRYPT file?

You can manually back up your WhatsApp chat history in a CRYPT file by opening WhatsApp and selecting Settings → Chat Settings → [Back up conversations]. Your CRYPT file will be created as msgstore.db.crypt and saved in the following directory:

NOTE: Since CRYPT files are encrypted, they must be decrypted before being opened or used to restore your message history or settings. Typically, WhatsApp automatically decrypts CRYPT files as you restore your messages or settings (provided you are logged in to the Google account used to create your CRYPT file). Alternatively, WhatsApp may request a "key file" saved on your device in order to decrypt your CRYPT file. Key files are stored at the following location:

How to open a CRYPT file

For the most part, CRYPT files are not meant to be opened. To learn how to use CRYPT files to restore your WhatsApp message history or settings, refer to the .CRYPT14 (for message history) and .CRYPT1 (for settings) entries.

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Programs that open CRYPT files


CryptXXX Ransomware Encrypted File

Developer N/A
3.5  |  20 Votes

A CRYPT file may also be a file encrypted by the CryptXXX virus, which is a trojan horse utilized by cybercriminals. It contains a user's file, such as a .DOC or .MP4 file, that has been encrypted with the RSA4096 encryption algorithm to prevent it from opening. CRYPT files became prevalent in 2016 and are similar to .XXX files.

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The CryptXXX virus is a type of ransomware where the purpose of the virus is to take your files hostage and force you to pay the perpetrator to unlock your files. The virus is a trojan horse that is typically introduced through spam email attachments or fake updates or downloads. Once the virus affects your computer it begins scrambling your files, renaming them, and encrypting them. The virus then generates a .TXT ransom note informing you of the takeover and what you need to do to recover your files. The note most likely demands a $500 ransom paid via Bitcoin.

How to open a CRYPT file

If you back up your files you can execute a full system restore to remove the virus and retrieve your files. You may also be able to decrypt your CRYPT files using Kaspersky RannohDecryptor.


FileInfo.com recommends you never pay a ransom to decrypt files encrypted by ransomware. Paying a ransom encourages ransomware distributors to continue their efforts, and there is no guarantee that paying a ransom will give you access to your files. Instead, you should restore your data from a recent backup created before the ransomware infected your computer.

Programs that open CRYPT files

System Restore

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