Executable Files
Executable files contain code that is run when the file is opened. Windows programs, Mac OS X applications, scripts, and macros are all considered executable files. Since these file types run code when opened, unknown executable files, such as those received as e-mail attachements, should not be opened.
Common executable file extensions include .EXE, .APP, .VB, and .SCR.
Extension | File Type | Popularity |
.APK | Android Package File | 4.3 |
.JAR | Java Archive | 4.3 |
.AHK | AutoHotkey Script | 4.3 |
.FAP | Flipper Application Package | 4.3 |
.IPA | iOS Application | 4.2 |
.U3P | U3 Smart Application | 4.2 |
.RUN | Linux Executable File | 4.2 |
.CMD | Windows Command File | 4.2 |
.XBE | Xbox Executable File | 4.2 |
.0XE | F-Secure Renamed Virus File | 4.2 |
.VLX | Compiled AutoLISP File | 4.2 |
.WORKFLOW | Automator Workflow | 4.1 |
.X86 | Linux Executable File | 4.1 |
.BMS | QuickBMS Script | 4.1 |
.ELF | Nintendo Wii Game File | 4.1 |
.EXE | Windows Executable File | 4.1 |
.BAT | DOS Batch File | 4.1 |
.8CK | TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition Application File | 4.1 |
.GADGET | Windows Gadget | 4.0 |
.AIR | Adobe AIR Installation Package | 4.0 |
.XAP | Silverlight Application Package | 4.0 |
.BIN | Unix Executable File | 4.0 |
.APP | macOS Application Bundle | 4.0 |
.SCPT | AppleScript Script File | 4.0 |
.WIDGET | Microsoft Windows Mobile Widget | 4.0 |
.SHORTCUT | Apple Shortcuts Shortcut | 4.0 |
.FBA | Fitbit OS App Package | 4.0 |
.RBF | LEGO MINDSTORMS EV3 Robot Brick File | 4.0 |
.X86_64 | 64-bit Linux Executable File | 4.0 |
.MPK | Makino Package | 4.0 |
.BA_ | Renamed BAT File | 4.0 |
.AC | Autoconf Script | 4.0 |
.COM | DOS Command File | 4.0 |
.XLM | Microsoft Excel Macro | 3.9 |
.RXE | Lego Mindstorms NXT Executable Program | 3.9 |
.APPIMAGE | Linux Software Package | 3.9 |
.SH | Bash Shell Script | 3.9 |
.PIF | Program Information File | 3.9 |
.OUT | Compiled Executable File | 3.9 |
.TPK | Tizen Package | 3.9 |
.73K | TI-73 Application | 3.9 |
.SCRIPT | Generic Script File | 3.9 |
.EX5 | MetaTrader 5 Program File | 3.9 |
.COMMAND | Terminal Command File | 3.9 |
.CELX | Celestia Script | 3.9 |
.EBS2 | E-Run 2.0 Script File | 3.9 |
.SCB | Scala Published Script | 3.9 |
.PS1 | Windows PowerShell Cmdlet File | 3.9 |
.PAF.EXE | PortableApps.com Program File | 3.9 |
.SCR | Script File | 3.8 |
.SCAR | SCAR Script | 3.8 |
.SK | Skript File | 3.8 |
.XEX | Xbox 360 Executable File | 3.8 |
.ISU | InstallShield Uninstaller Script | 3.8 |
.FAS | Compiled Fast-Load AutoLISP File | 3.8 |
.COFFEE | CoffeeScript JavaScript File | 3.8 |
.ACTION | Automator Action | 3.8 |
.TCP | Tally Compiled Program File | 3.8 |
.RFU | Remote Firmware Update | 3.8 |
.SHB | Windows Document Shortcut | 3.8 |
.GM9 | GodMode9 Script | 3.8 |
.ACC | GEM Accessory File | 3.8 |
.HTA | HTML Application | 3.8 |
.CGI | Common Gateway Interface Script | 3.8 |
.EX_ | Renamed Windows Executable File | 3.8 |
.XBAP | XAML Browser Application File | 3.8 |
.NEXE | Chrome Native Client Executable | 3.8 |
.ECF | SageCRM Component File | 3.8 |
.FXP | FoxPro Compiled Program | 3.8 |
.VPM | Vox Proxy Macro File | 3.8 |
.PLSC | Messenger Plus! Live Script File | 3.8 |
.WS | Windows Script | 3.8 |
.RPJ | Real Pac Batch Job File | 3.8 |
.CHEAT | Navi Cheatsheet | 3.8 |
.MLX | MATLAB Live Code File | 3.7 |
.VBS | VBScript File | 3.7 |
.DLD | EdLog Compiled Program | 3.7 |
.VXP | Mobile Application File | 3.7 |
.CACTION | Automator Converter Action | 3.7 |
.WSH | Windows Script Host Settings | 3.7 |
.PLX | Perl Executable File | 3.7 |
.IIM | iMacro Macro File | 3.7 |
.EX_ | Compressed Executable File | 3.7 |
.89K | TI-89 Application | 3.7 |
.PYC | Python Compiled File | 3.7 |
.MEL | Maya Embedded Language Script | 3.7 |
.WCM | WordPerfect Macro | 3.7 |
.PEX | ProBoard Executable File | 3.7 |
.GPE | GP2X Video Game | 3.7 |
.FPI | FPS Creator Intelligence Script | 3.7 |
.A7R | Authorware 7 Runtime File | 3.7 |
.EBS | E-Run 1.x Script | 3.7 |
.SERVER | MySQL Server Script | 3.7 |
.ESH | Extended Shell Batch File | 3.7 |
.DEK | Eavesdropper Batch File | 3.7 |
.PHAR | PHP Archive | 3.7 |
.JS | JScript Executable Script | 3.7 |
.JSF | Java Script Command File | 3.7 |
.ICD | SafeDisc Encrypted Program | 3.6 |
.EX4 | MetaTrader 4 Program | 3.6 |
.MRP | Mythroad Platform File | 3.6 |
.JSX | ExtendScript Script File | 3.6 |
.ACR | ACRobot Script | 3.6 |
.PWC | PictureTaker File | 3.6 |
.EAR | Java Enterprise Archive File | 3.6 |
.EPK | LG Firmware Package | 3.6 |
.CEL | Celestia Script File | 3.6 |
.ROX | Actuate Report Object Executable File | 3.6 |
.FRS | Flash Renamer Script | 3.6 |
.AZW2 | Kindle Active Content App File | 3.6 |
.VEXE | Virus Executable File | 3.6 |
.SNAP | Snap Application Package | 3.6 |
.ZL9 | ZoneAlarm Quarantined EXE File | 3.6 |
.EXE1 | Renamed EXE File | 3.6 |
.RGS | Registry Script | 3.6 |
.MM | NeXtMidas Macro File | 3.6 |
.MCR | 3ds Max Macroscript File | 3.6 |
.PAF | Portable Application Installer File | 3.5 |
.COF | MPLAB COFF File | 3.5 |
.MS | Maxwell Script | 3.5 |
.PYO | Python Optimized Code | 3.5 |
.APPLESCRIPT | AppleScript File | 3.5 |
.HMS | HostMonitor Script File | 3.5 |
.XYS | XYplorer Script File | 3.5 |
.OTM | Outlook Macro File | 3.5 |
.MSL | Magick Scripting Language File | 3.5 |
.ACTC | Action(s) Collection File | 3.5 |
.TIAPP | TiTanium App | 3.5 |
.UVM | UnitVM Executable File | 3.5 |
.ATMX | Automation Anywhere Task | 3.5 |
.89Z | TI-89 Program | 3.5 |
.SREC | S-record File | 3.5 |
.PYZ | Python Application Zip File | 3.5 |
.N | Neko Bytecode File | 3.5 |
.PRG | Program File | 3.5 |
.WIDGET | Yahoo! Widget | 3.5 |
.WIZ | Microsoft Wizard File | 3.4 |
.CSH | C Shell Script | 3.4 |
.MRC | mIRC Script File | 3.4 |
.BEAM | Compiled Erlang File | 3.4 |
.SPR | FoxPro Generated Screen File | 3.4 |
.MCR | JitBit Macro Recorder Macro | 3.4 |
.CYW | Rbot.CYW Worm File | 3.4 |
.OSX | PowerPC Executable File | 3.4 |
.EBM | EXTRA! Basic Macro | 3.4 |
.MCR | Tecplot Macro | 3.4 |
.TIPA | TrollStore IPA File | 3.4 |
.TMS | Telemate Script | 3.4 |
.FKY | FoxPro Macro | 3.3 |
.XQT | SuperCalc Macro File | 3.3 |
.FAS | QuickSilver Fast Save Lisp File | 3.3 |
.PRG | GEM Application | 3.3 |
.YGH | YGH Trojan Executable | 3.3 |
.MXE | Macro Express Playable Macro | 3.3 |
.ACTM | AutoCAD Action Macro File | 3.3 |
.UDF | Microsoft Excel User-defined Function | 3.3 |
.APP | Symbian OS Application | 3.3 |
.SEED | Linux Preseed File | 3.3 |
.KIX | KiXtart Script File | 3.3 |
.IPK | webOS TV Application | 3.3 |
.SCT | Windows Scriptlet | 3.3 |
.KX | KiXtart Tokenized Script File | 3.3 |
.VBSCRIPT | Visual Basic Script | 3.2 |
.EZS | EZ-R Stats Batch Script | 3.2 |
.THM | Thermwood Macro File | 3.2 |
.APP | FoxPro Generated Application | 3.2 |
.JSE | JScript Encoded File | 3.2 |
.LO | Interleaf Compiled Lisp File | 3.2 |
.VBE | VBScript Encoded Script File | 3.2 |
.GS | Geosoft Script | 3.1 |
.E_E | Renamed EXE File | 3.1 |
.MS | 3ds Max Script | 3.0 |
.PRC | Palm Resource Code File | 3.0 |
.SCA | Scala Script File | 3.0 |
.LS | LightWave LScript Source Code | 3.0 |
.SCPTD | AppleScript Script Bundle | 3.0 |
.MHM | Microsoft Hardware Macro | 3.0 |
.ITA | VTech InnoTab Application File | 3.0 |
.PRG | Commander X16 Program | 3.0 |
.PXO | LG Mobile Phone Executable File | 3.0 |
.WPK | WordPerfect Macro | 3.0 |
.HPF | HP9100A Program File | 3.0 |
.DMC | Medical Manager Script | 3.0 |
.S2A | SEAL2 Application | 3.0 |
.EXZ | Zipped Executable File | 3.0 |
.EHAM | ExtraHAM Executable File | 2.9 |
.QIT | QIT Trojan Horse File | 2.8 |
.ARSCRIPT | ArtRage Script | 2.8 |
.RBX | Rembo-C Compiled Script | 2.8 |
.SAPK | SICK AppPool Application | 2.8 |
.MEM | Macro Editor Macro | 2.8 |
.WSF | Windows Script File | 2.7 |
.EBACMD | EBA Command Center Data File | 2.7 |
.KSH | Unix Korn Shell Script | 2.7 |
.UPX | Ultimate Packer for eXecutables File | 2.7 |
.DXL | Rational DOORS Script | 2.7 |
.NCL | NirCmd Script File | 2.7 |
.BTM | 4DOS Batch File | 2.6 |
.HAM | HAM Executable File | 2.6 |
.IPF | SMS Installer Script | 2.5 |
.VDO | Heathen Virus File | 2.5 |
.GPU | GP2X Utility Program | 2.5 |
.MIO | MioEngine Application File | 2.5 |
.ES | SageCRM Script File | 2.5 |
.EXOPC | ExoPC Application | 2.5 |
.MAC | Application Macro File | 2.4 |
.SBS | SPSS Script | 2.4 |
.ASB | Alphacam Stone VB Macro File | 2.3 |
.STS | #TASK Script File | 2.3 |
.CFS | CFS Console Program | 2.3 |
.RFS | Reflection FTP Client Script | 2.3 |
.MGM | MGCSoft Equation Illustrator Macro | 2.2 |
.WPM | WordPerfect Macro File | 2.0 |
.QPX | Visual FoxPro Compiled Query Program | 2.0 |
.AFMACRO | Affinity Photo Macro File | 2.0 |
.AFMACROS | Affinity Photo Macros File | 2.0 |
.UW8 | MicroW8 Cartridge File | 2.0 |
.MLAPPINSTALL | MATLAB App Installation Package | 2.0 |
.RPG | DTPS Robot Program | 2.0 |
.P | MATLAB P-Code File | 2.0 |
.PVD | Instalit Script | 2.0 |
.ORE | Ore Executable File | 1.9 |
.EZT | EZT Malicious Worm File | 1.7 |
.MAMC | Murgee Auto Mouse Click Script | 1.5 |
.73P | TI-73 Program | 1.5 |
.SMM | Ami Pro Macro | 1.5 |
.BNS | Compiled Rabbit Network Script | 1.0 |