.EPK File Extension

Eaglercraft Package

Developer LAX1DUDE
4.6  |  166 Votes

What is an EPK file?

An EPK file is an asset package or world backup used by Eaglercraft, a fan-made version of Minecraft that can be played in a web browser. It contains textures, sounds, and other game assets, or it contains a backup of a user-created world. Eaglercraft's asset EPK file is named assets.epk.

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Eaglercraft is a browser-based video game that is based on Minecraft Java Edition. Different versions of Eaglercraft seek to emulate different versions of Minecraft. Players can play Eaglercraft either locally or online, in single-player or multiplayer modes.

All versions of Eaglercraft include a file named assets.epk. This file contains a compiled version of Eaglercraft's game resources. If players want to add custom resources to their instance of Eaglercraft, they can do so by placing the resources in the following directory, and then running epkcompiler/run.bat to include those resources in a new assets.epk file:


Additionally, in Eaglercraft's single-player mode, players can export backups of their worlds as EPK files. This allows players to load worlds again when playing at a different time or share worlds with other players. To back up a world as an EPK file, players select the world on the Select World menu and then click Backup.

Common EPK Filenames

Assets.epk - The file Eaglercraft uses to load game assets.

How to open an EPK file

You can decompile assets.epk and other asset-containing EPK files using ayunWebEPK (Web), to view the assets they contain.

To load an EPK file that contains an Eaglercraft world backup:

  1. Open the single-player version of Eaglercraft.
  2. Select Create New World.
  3. Select Load World Backup.
  4. Navigate to and select your EPK file.
  5. Name your world and select Continue.

The world your EPK file contains will appear in the Select World menu.

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Programs that open or reference EPK files


LG Firmware Package

Developer LG Electronics
3.6  |  23 Votes

An EPK file may also be a firmware package used by LG Electronics Smart TVs. It contains a firmware update to improve the performance of your TV. EPK files are signed and encrypted with AES encryption using a 1024-bit private key.

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LG Electronics periodically provides firmware updates for your TV to improve its operation and enhance your viewing experience. You should check for updates every other month to make sure you have the latest update installed. In order to check you should connect an Ethernet cable directly from your router to your TV then press "MENU", click "SYSTEM SETTINGS", select "ABOUT", and then click "SYSTEM UPDATES". You will be notified if your system is up-to-date and if it is not, you can select "CHECK NOW" and if a new version is available it will automatically begin the download of the firmware.

You can also go to the LG Electronics website on your computer and download an EPK file from the "Support" section by providing the model number of your TV. You can use the epk2extract tool extract, decrypt, and convert the contents of the EPK package.

Programs that open EPK files


Metin2 Encrypted Package

Developer Ymir Entertainment
3.1  |  33 Votes

An EPK file may also be an asset archive used by Metin2, an East Asian-influenced massively-multiplayer online role-playing game. It may contain various types of game data, such as 3D models, textures, audio files, and scripts. EPK files are always paired with accompanying .EIX (Metin2 Encrypted Index) files.

More Information

Metin2 is a South Korean MMORPG originally developed by Ymir Entertainment and now developed by Webzen Games. The game stores a variety of its game data in various EPK files, which are compressed, encrypted archives. Each EPK file's contents is indexed in an associated EIX file, which uses the same filename (except for its extension).

EPK and EIX files can both be found in Metin2's pack directory. While most Metin2 players will never need to access these files, Metin2 modders enjoy extracting, modifying, and repackaging the assets that EPK files contain, to alter Metin2's gameplay.

How to open an EPK file

You can use EterNexus (Windows) to extract the assets a Metin2 EPK file contains, provided you have access to the EPK file's accompanying EIX file. To do so, select File → Extract Archvie from EterNexus's menu bar. Then, navigate to and open the EIX file. EterNexus then uses the index the EIX file contains to extract the assets the EPK file contains.

Programs that open or reference EPK files


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