Smith Micro StuffIt Deluxe
Version | 2010(as of 10/7/2014) |
Platform | Windows |
License | Commercial |
Category | Utility |
Main Features
- Support for a variety of compressed file formats
- StuffIt Destinations drag and drop system
- File encryption and password protection
- Workflow integration with common applications
- Intuitive wizards for creating archives
- Online StuffIt Connect transfer service
- Automated backup creation
Software Overview
StuffIt Deluxe is a popular file compression and expansion utility developed by Smith Micro. It was originally developed only for Macintosh computers, but is now available for Windows. Smith Micro ceased development of StuffIt Deluxe in November 2019.
StuffIt Deluxe can compress archives in several file formats, including the native .SIT and .SITX formats. StuffIt Deluxe provides advanced features for compressing audio and image files. JPEG images can be compressed up to thirty percent further without losing image quality. This allows users to reduce the size of e-mail attachments and store more digital photos on their computer. By compressing audio files, StuffIt Deluxe enables users to store more music on portable media players.
The StuffIt Deluxe user interface provides several methods for creating and expanding archives, including the built-in archive wizard, the drag and drop system, and the StuffIt MagicMenu. StuffIt Deluxe allows you to create archives for different purposes, including FTP transfers, split archives for e-mail attachments, and archive encryption for protecting sensitive data. The software also provides tools for scheduling backups, burning archives to discs, and creating self-extracting archives (.SEA files).
Stuffit Deluxe is a useful program for compressing or archiving files, such as images and video. It is also useful for creating backups and encrypting files with sensitive data. However, Stuffit Deluxe is more expensive than other compression utilities, such as WinZip, so you may want to try those options for your needs.
Primary File Type

Supported File Types
Extension | File Type |
.SITX | StuffIt X Archive |
.7Z | 7-Zip Compressed File |
.ARC | Compressed File Archive |
.BIN | MacBinary Encoded File |
.BZ2 | Bzip2 Compressed File |
.CAB | Windows Cabinet File |
.CBZ | Comic Book Zip Archive |
.GTAR | GNU Tar Archive |
.GZ | Gnu Zipped Archive |
.HQX | BinHex 4.0 Encoded File |
.LHA | LHARC Compressed Archive |
.LZH | LZH Compressed File |
.LZMA | LZMA Compressed File |
.MIME | Multi-Purpose Internet Mail Extension |
.PF | Private File |
.RAR | WinRAR Compressed Archive |
.SEA | Self-Extracting Archive |
.SIDX | StuffIt Archive Index File |
.SIT | StuffIt Archive |
.TAR | Tape Archive |
.TGZ | Gzipped Tar File |
.TLZMA | LZMA Compressed Tar Archive |
.UU | Uuencoded File |
.UUE | Uuencoded File |
.YENC | yEnc File |
.Z | Unix Compressed File |
.ZIP | Zipped File |
Additional Related File Types
Extension | File Type |
.001 | Split Archive Part 1 |
.ARJ | ARJ Compressed File Archive |
.B2A | Btoa Encoded File |
.B64 | Base64 MIME-Encoded File |
.BHX | BinHex Encoded File |
.BMP | Bitmap Image |
.BTOA | Binary-to-ASCII Encoded File |
.BZ | Bzip Compressed File |
.BZIP | Bzip Compressed Archive |
.BZIP2 | Bzip2 Compressed Archive |
.CB7 | Comic Book 7-Zip Archive |
.CBR | Comic Book RAR Archive |
.CBT | Comic Book TAR File |
.CPT | Compact Pro Archive |
.EFW | Renamed Zip or Executable File |
.ENC | Encoded File |
.EXE | Windows Executable File |
.GIF | Graphical Interchange Format File |
.GNUTAR | GNU Tar Archive |
.GZI | Unix Gzip File |
.GZIP | Gnu Zipped File |
.HBX | BinHex Encoded File |
.HEX | BinHex Encoded File |
.J2K | JPEG 2000 Image |
.JGZ | Gzipped Javascript File |
.JPEG | JPEG Image |
.JPG | JPEG Image |
.LHA | LHARC Compressed Archive |
.MACBIN | Macbinary Encoded File |
.MIM | Multi-Purpose Internet Mail Message File |
.MP3 | MP3 Audio |
.PACK.GZ | Pack200 Compressed Archive |
.PAK | PAK Compressed Archive |
.PBM | Portable Bitmap Image |
Portable Document Format File | |
.PGM | Portable Gray Map Image |
.PICT | Picture File |
.PIT | PackIt Archive |
.PIZ | Zipped File |
.PNG | Portable Network Graphic |
.PPM | Portable Pixmap Image |
.PSD | Adobe Photoshop Document |
.R00 | WinRAR Compressed Archive |
.R01 | WinRAR Split Archive Part 1 |
.R02 | WinRAR Split Archive Part 2 |
.R03 | WinRAR Split Archive Part 3 |
.R21 | WinRAR Split Archive Part 21 |
.R30 | WinRAR Split Archive Part 30 |
.TAR.GZ | Compressed Tarball File |
.TAZ | Tar Zipped File |
.TBZ | Bzip Compressed Tar Archive |
.TBZ2 | Bzip2-Compressed TAR File |
.TG | Gzip Compressed Tar Archive |
.TIFF | Tagged Image File Format |
.TZ | Zipped Tar Archive |
.USTAR | Uniform Standard Tape Archive Format File |
.WAR | Java Web Archive |
.Y | Amiga Yabba Compressed Archive |
.YNC | yEnc Encoded File |
.Z01 | First Split Zip File |
.Z02 | Second Split Zip File |
.Z03 | Third Split Zip File |
.Z04 | Fourth Split Zip File |
.ZI | Renamed Zip File |
.ZPI | Zipped File |