Web Files
The Web Files category includes files related to websites and Web servers. These include static and dynamic webpages, Web applications, and files referenced by webpages. Files generated by Web development software are also included in this category.
Common Web file extensions include .HTML, .ASP, .PHP, and .CSS.
Extension | File Type | Popularity |
.ASTX | Active Server Template Extended File | 4.4 |
.SCSS | Sass Cascading Style Sheet | 4.3 |
.GMI | Gemtext Document | 4.3 |
.MML | Mathematical Markup Language File | 4.3 |
.KEY | Privacy-Enhanced Mail Private Key | 4.3 |
.XD | Adobe XD Document | 4.3 |
.SSP | Scala Server Page | 4.3 |
.BTAPP | uTorrent App | 4.3 |
.XHTM | Extensible Hypertext Markup Language Document | 4.3 |
.H5P | HTML5 Content Package | 4.3 |
.ARO | SteelArrow Web Application File | 4.3 |
.P7B | PKCS #7 Certificate File | 4.2 |
.ASAX | ASP.NET Server Application File | 4.1 |
.A5W | Alpha Five Webpage File | 4.1 |
.MJS | Node.js ES Module File | 4.1 |
.BML | Bean Markup Language File | 4.1 |
.JSPA | Java Servlet Alias | 4.1 |
.VRT | Virtual World | 4.1 |
.DLL | DLL Dynamic Webpage | 4.1 |
.PHP | PHP Source Code File | 4.1 |
.WHTT | HTTrack Website Copier File | 4.1 |
.CSHTML | ASP.NET Razor Webpage | 4.1 |
.DHTML | Dynamic HTML file | 4.1 |
.CRT | Security Certificate | 4.1 |
.WEBSITE | Internet Explorer Pinned Site Shortcut | 4.1 |
.DOWNLOAD | Partially Downloaded File | 4.1 |
.XUL | XML User Interface Language File | 4.0 |
.JS | JavaScript File | 4.0 |
.OBML15 | Opera Mini Saved Webpage | 4.0 |
.WEBBOOKMARK | Safari Web Bookmark File | 4.0 |
.FWTEMPLATE | Freeway Template | 4.0 |
.RJS | Ruby Javascript File | 4.0 |
.WKDOWNLOAD | Epiphany Partially Downloaded File | 4.0 |
.VSDISCO | DISCO Dynamic Discovery Document | 4.0 |
.NOJEKYLL | GitHub Pages NoJekyll File | 4.0 |
.ASTRO | Astro Website Component | 4.0 |
.P7 | PKCS #7 Digital Certificate File | 4.0 |
.DCR | Shockwave Media File | 4.0 |
.CSS | Cascading Style Sheet | 4.0 |
.ZUL | ZK User Interface File | 4.0 |
.DOCHTML | Microsoft Word HTML Document | 3.9 |
.PAC | Proxy Auto-Config File | 3.9 |
.SPC | Software Publisher Certificate File | 3.9 |
.HTACCESS | Apache HTACCESS File | 3.9 |
.P7C | PKCS #7 Certificate File | 3.9 |
.PEM | Privacy Enhanced Mail Certificate | 3.9 |
.TPL | HTTP File Server Template | 3.9 |
.SITE | GoLive Website Project File | 3.9 |
.A4P | A4Desk Pro Project File | 3.8 |
.SEAM | Seam Framework Java Servlet File | 3.8 |
.ASPX | Active Server Page Extended Webpage | 3.8 |
.JSON | JavaScript Object Notation File | 3.8 |
.KIT | CodeKit File | 3.8 |
.APPCACHE | HTML5 Cache Manifest File | 3.8 |
.SVR | Compressed Virtual World | 3.8 |
.DAP | Access Data Access Page | 3.8 |
.DWT | Dreamweaver Webpage Template | 3.8 |
.HTM | Hypertext Markup Language File | 3.8 |
.WBS | WebBlender Project File | 3.8 |
.OAM | Adobe Edge Animate Widget File | 3.8 |
.HTC | HTML Component File | 3.8 |
.URL | URL Shortcut File | 3.7 |
.ASR | ActionScript Remote Document | 3.7 |
.GSP | IMail Error Message File | 3.7 |
.AP | Active Page | 3.7 |
.ASCX | ASP.NET User Control File | 3.7 |
.WSDL | Web Services Description Language File | 3.7 |
.EDGE | Adobe Edge Project File | 3.7 |
.OBML16 | Opera Mini Saved Webpage | 3.7 |
.CHAT | IRC Chat Configuration File | 3.7 |
.MASTER | ASP.NET Master Page | 3.7 |
.GNE | Flickr Webpage | 3.7 |
.BR | Brotli Compressed File | 3.7 |
.CHM | Compiled HTML Help File | 3.7 |
.SHTML | Server Side Include HTML File | 3.7 |
.STRM | Stream Location File | 3.7 |
.EPIBRW | Web File Location | 3.7 |
.RW3 | RapidWeaver 3 Site File | 3.7 |
.WARC | Web Archive | 3.7 |
.PUBLIC | OpenSSL Public Key | 3.7 |
.XPD | XML Pipeline Document | 3.7 |
.DISCO | DISCO Discovery Document | 3.7 |
.GSP | Groovy Server Page | 3.7 |
.FWP | Microsoft Expression Web Package | 3.7 |
.PRO | Adobe Proto Design File | 3.7 |
.CSR | Certificate Signing Request File | 3.6 |
.P12 | Personal Information Exchange File | 3.6 |
.SITES2 | iWeb Website Design Project | 3.6 |
.PHP4 | PHP 4 Web Page | 3.6 |
.BOK | ProStores Dynamic Webpage | 3.6 |
.PHP2 | PHP 2 Web Page | 3.6 |
.WEBMANIFEST | Progressive Web Application Manifest | 3.6 |
.HAR | HTTP Archive FIle | 3.6 |
.OPML | Outline Processor Markup Language File | 3.6 |
.ASP | Active Server Page | 3.6 |
.NZB | NewzBin Usenet Index File | 3.6 |
.DER | DER Digital Certificate | 3.6 |
.OBML | Opera Mini Saved Webpage | 3.6 |
.VDW | Visio Web Drawing | 3.6 |
.XSS | XML Style Sheet | 3.6 |
.MHTML | MIME HTML File | 3.6 |
.PHTML | PHP Web Page | 3.6 |
.AXD | ASP.NET Web Handler File | 3.6 |
.RHTML | Ruby HTML Web Page | 3.6 |
.CON | Concept Application Source File | 3.6 |
.RSS | Rich Site Summary | 3.5 |
.ASHX | ASP.NET Web Handler File | 3.5 |
.HTML | Hypertext Markup Language File | 3.5 |
.SRF | Server Response File | 3.5 |
.ALX | ActiveX Layout Control File | 3.5 |
.FMP | 123 Flash Menu Project | 3.5 |
.DUCKLOAD | DuckDuckGo Partially Downloaded File | 3.5 |
.SPARKLE | Sparkle Website Project | 3.5 |
.CHA | IRC Chat Configuration | 3.5 |
.HYPERESOURCES | Hype Resources Folder | 3.5 |
.RAZOR | Razor Component File | 3.5 |
.OLP | Office Live Package | 3.5 |
.JSON5 | JSON5 Data File | 3.5 |
.ASA | ASP Configuration File | 3.5 |
.CMS | Content Management System | 3.5 |
.QF | Qompose Web Page Template | 3.5 |
.SHT | HTML File with Server Side Includes | 3.5 |
.BROWSER | ASP.NET Browser Definition File | 3.5 |
.AEX | Alpha Five Compiled Global Functions File | 3.5 |
.DO | Java Servlet | 3.5 |
.JNLP | Java Web Start File | 3.5 |
.SDB | SocialDecks Blog File | 3.5 |
.CRL | Certificate Revocation List File | 3.5 |
.PPTMHTML | Microsoft PowerPoint MIME HTML Presentation | 3.5 |
.UHTML | UC Browser Saved Webpage | 3.4 |
.NODE | Node.js Binary Addon File | 3.4 |
.XBEL | XBEL Bookmarks File | 3.4 |
.WEB | Xara Web Document | 3.4 |
.WDGT | Opera Widget | 3.4 |
.XFDL | XFDL File | 3.4 |
.JSP | Jakarta Server Page | 3.4 |
.FWTEMPLATEB | Freeway Template Bundle | 3.4 |
.EWP | Ewisoft Website Project File | 3.4 |
.HYPESYMBOL | Hype Symbol File | 3.4 |
.WEBLOC | macOS Website Location | 3.4 |
.ZHTML | RabbitWeb Webpage | 3.4 |
.CFM | ColdFusion Markup File | 3.4 |
.CER | Internet Security Certificate | 3.4 |
.VRML | VRML File | 3.4 |
.DBM | ColdFusion Server File | 3.4 |
.DOTHTML | Microsoft Word HTML Document Template | 3.3 |
.COMPRESSED | WordCompress Compacted Webpage | 3.3 |
.MJML | Mailjet Markup Language File | 3.3 |
.PAGE | HybridJava Web Page | 3.3 |
.AWM | AllWebMenus Project File | 3.3 |
.WML | Wireless Markup Language File | 3.3 |
.MHT | MHTML Web Archive | 3.3 |
.XHT | XHTML File | 3.3 |
.JSPX | XML Jakarta Server Page | 3.3 |
.PSP | PL/SQL Server Page | 3.3 |
.JSONL | JSON Lines File | 3.3 |
.MAFF | Mozilla Archive Format File | 3.3 |
.SHTM | HTML Server Side Include File | 3.3 |
.TPL | PrestaShop Template File | 3.3 |
.DML | DynaScript File | 3.3 |
.JSS | JavaScript Style Sheet File | 3.3 |
.ITMS | iTunes Music Store Link File | 3.3 |
.SITEMAP | ASP.NET Site Map File | 3.3 |
.XHTML | Extensible Hypertext Markup Language File | 3.2 |
.UCF | WebEx Media File | 3.2 |
.WPP | WebPlus Project File | 3.2 |
.STML | SSI HTML File | 3.2 |
.RT | RealText Streaming Text File | 3.2 |
.VBD | Visual Basic ActiveX Document | 3.2 |
.DISCOMAP | DISCO Discovery Output File | 3.2 |
.SASS | Syntactically Awesome StyleSheets File | 3.2 |
.STC | Contribute Connection Key File | 3.1 |
.XBL | Extensible Binding Language File | 3.1 |
.HXS | Help 2 Compiled Help File | 3.1 |
.HYPE | Hype Document | 3.1 |
.CSP | Concept Server Page | 3.1 |
.NDJSON | Newline Delimited JSON File | 3.1 |
.ZVZ | Possible Virus File | 3.1 |
.HDML | Handheld Device Markup Language File | 3.1 |
.JHTML | Java HTML Web Page | 3.1 |
.XWS | Xara Web Designer Graphic | 3.1 |
.PUB | Public Key File | 3.1 |
.SVC | WCF Web Service File | 3.1 |
.PRF | PICS Rules File | 3.0 |
.ESPROJ | Espresso Project File | 3.0 |
.PRIVATE | OpenSSL Private Key | 3.0 |
.WBXML | WAP Binary XML File | 3.0 |
.OGNC | Dynamic Web Page | 3.0 |
.FWTB | Freeway Template Bundle | 3.0 |
.SITES | iWeb Website Design Project | 3.0 |
.HTX | HTML Extension File | 3.0 |
.SRL | OpenSSL Security Certificate Serial Number | 3.0 |
.PHTM | PHP-Based Web Page | 3.0 |
.WBN | Web Bundle | 3.0 |
.ADR | Opera Bookmarks File | 3.0 |
.NOD | NetObjects Fusion File | 3.0 |
.MUSE | Adobe Muse Website Project | 3.0 |
.CODASITE | Coda Site File | 3.0 |
.IQY | Internet Query | 3.0 |
.ZHTML | Secure IE Zipped HTML File | 3.0 |
.HYPETEMPLATE | Hype Document Template | 3.0 |
.WEBARCHIVE | Safari Web Archive | 3.0 |
.QBO | QuickBooks Online Bank Statement File | 2.9 |
.ECE | Escenic Dynamic Web Page | 2.9 |
.MSPX | Microsoft ASP.NET Web Page | 2.9 |
.TVVI | TitanTV Television Listing File | 2.9 |
.DOCMHTML | Microsoft Word MIME HTML Document | 2.9 |
.HDM | HDML File | 2.9 |
.MVC | MivaScript Compiled File | 2.9 |
.WGP | Web Gallery Project | 2.9 |
.WOA | WebObjects Application | 2.9 |
.LASSO | Lasso Database-driven Webpage | 2.8 |
.FREEWAY | Freeway Document | 2.8 |
.IDC | Internet Database Connector File | 2.8 |
.LBC | Cloaked Affiliate Link Builder Saved Link | 2.8 |
.OTH | OpenDocument HTML Template | 2.8 |
.ATT | Web Form Post Data File | 2.8 |
.VBHTML | ASP.NET Razor Web Page | 2.8 |
.PHP3 | PHP 3 Web Page | 2.8 |
.ZFO | XSL-FO Online Form | 2.8 |
.WEBHISTORY | Safari Web History File | 2.7 |
.WIDGET | HybridJava Widget | 2.7 |
.MAPX | Mapjects Client Webparts File | 2.7 |
.MAP | Image Map | 2.7 |
.SWZ | Adobe Flash Player Cache File | 2.7 |
.ITPC | iTunes Podcast Link | 2.7 |
.JWS | Java Web Services File | 2.7 |
.BWP | BuRg3r Web Page | 2.7 |
.ATOM | Atom Syndication Format File | 2.6 |
.TVPI | TitanTV Television Listing File | 2.6 |
.ASMX | ASP.NET Web Service File | 2.6 |
.STL | Certificate Trust List | 2.6 |
.CDF | Channel Definition Format | 2.6 |
.WGT | Opera Widget File | 2.5 |
.RWSW | RapidWeaver Site File | 2.5 |
.RFLW | Edge Reflow Data File | 2.5 |
.WEBARCHIVEXML | Android Web Browser Archive | 2.5 |
.PHP5 | PHP 5 Web Page | 2.5 |
.FACES | JavaServer FacesServlet Pointer | 2.5 |
.MVR | IBM HotMedia Multimedia File | 2.4 |
.LESS | LESS Style Sheet | 2.4 |
.RWP | RapidWeaver Package | 2.4 |
.VLP | LiveSite Project | 2.4 |
.PTW | AutoCAD Publish To Web File | 2.3 |
.NXG | eSite Builder NXG Web Page | 2.3 |
.QRM | Qworum Message File | 2.3 |
.SAVEDDECK | Nokia Saved Web Page | 2.3 |
.CCBJS | CopperCube JavaScript File | 2.3 |
.AN | Adobe Edge Animate Project File | 2.2 |
.WN | WN Web File | 2.2 |
.PPTHTML | Microsoft PowerPoint HTML Presentation | 2.2 |
.STP | SharePoint Template | 2.2 |
.STM | SSI Web Page | 2.1 |
.SUCK | SiteSucker Website File | 2.0 |
.JST | JavaServer Page Document | 2.0 |
.CPHD | CloudChan Pre-processed Hypertext Document | 2.0 |
.QBX | Blocks Landing Page | 2.0 |
.CFML | ColdFusion Markup Language File | 2.0 |
.IWDGT | iWeb Widget File | 2.0 |
.RWTHEME | RapidWeaver Theme | 2.0 |
.JVS | JavaScript Proxy Autoconfig File | 2.0 |
.JCZ | Liquid Motion Animation | 2.0 |
.HTML.MEM | Hypertext Markup Language Memory File | 2.0 |
.WPX | WebPlus Project Template | 2.0 |
.CPG | Cool Page Project File | 2.0 |
.KCMSF | Korean Central News Agency Website Script | 1.9 |
.MOZ | Mozilla Cache File | 1.8 |
.ARC | Internet Archive Web Archive | 1.7 |
.FCGI | FastCGI File | 1.6 |