H File Extensions

Browse file types with extensions beginning with H.

Extension File Type Popularity
.HC/C++/Objective-C Header File
.H0Movie Edit Pro Waveform Information File
.H10At Home Canada 2010 Tax Return
.H11At Home Canada 2011 Tax Return
.H12At Home Canada 2012 Tax Return
.H13H&R Block Canada 2013 Tax Return
.H14H&R Block Canada 2014 Tax Return
.H15H&R Block Canada 2015 Tax Return
.H16H&R Block Canada 2016 Tax Return
.H17H&R Block Canada 2017 Tax Return
.H1QMicrosoft Help Merged Query Index File
.H1SWindows Assistance Platform Help File
.H261H.261 Video
.H262H.262 Video
.H263H.263 Video
.H264H.264 Encoded Video File
.H265H.265 Video
.H266H.266 (VVC) Video
.H2OBattle Realms Game Data File
.H2OH2OMAP Master Project
.H2PZebra2 Preset
.H2SONGHydrogen Song
.H2WH2testw File
.H3Nintendo Wii U Hash File
.H3BLine 6 POD HD300 Edit Bundle
.H3ELine 6 POD HD300 Edit Preset File
.H3MHeroes 3 Map File
.H4Hierarchical Data Format File
.H4BLine 6 POD HD400 Edit Bundle
.H4ELine 6 POD HD400 Edit Preset File
.H4MGameCube Movie
.H4RHeroes of Might and Magic IV Data File
.H5Hierarchical Data Format 5 File
.H5BPOD HD500 Edit Bundle
.H5EPOD HD500 Edit Preset
.H5MHeroes of Might and Magic V Map
.H5PHTML5 Content Package
.H5SPOD HD500 Edit Set List
.H5UHeroes of Might and Magic V Mod
.H6XSoft6502 Trainer/Simulator Hex File
.H77TMGD77T Header File
.HAHA Compressed Archive
.HAASEverfine LED Lamp Test Results File
.HALHansaWorld Application Language File
.HALHotDocs Answer Library
.HAMDescent 2 Behavior and Resource File
.HAMHAM Executable File
.HAMBURGTW Game Map File
.HAMLHaml Source Code File
.HANAmazon Kindle eBook Data File
.HANDLEBARSHandlebars Template
.HAPHarmonyOS Ability Package
.HARHTTP Archive FIle
.HASHaskell Script
.HATDuck Game Hat
.HATA Hat in Time Save File
.HATHA Tunnel Plus Configuration File
.HAXAGONSuper Haxagon Game Data
.HBBLine 6 POD HD Edit Bundle
.HBCHyperBac Compressed Archive
.HBC2HyperBac Compressed File Archive
.HBELine 6 POD HD Edit Preset File
.HBEHyperBac Compressed and Encrypted Archive
.HBKMathcad Handbook File
.HBMHard Bullet Map
.HBR2HaxBall Replay Version 2
.HBSHandlebars Template
.HBSLine 6 POD HD Edit Setlist File
.HBSHaxball Stadium File
.HBXBinHex Encoded File
.HCVeraCrypt Container
.HCHoly C Source Code File
.HCAHigh Compression Audio File
.HCCHydroCAD Prefab Chamber Data File
.HCDSamsung Android Firmware File
.HCDTThinkfree Office NEO Cell Template
.HCEHydroCAD Hydrograph Data File
.HCFCompact Ham Library
.HCIHydroCAD IDF Data File
.HCLHotDocs Clause Archive
.HCPHydroCAD Project File
.HCRHydroCAD Rainfall Curve Data File
.HCRHalf-Fold Card File
.HCUHydrograph Units Definitons File
.HCXChartXL Chart
.HCXSCanadian Product Incident Report Form
.HDIBochs Virtual Hard Disk
.HD2Poser Hand Pose File
.HD3DHome Design 3D Project
.HDAHotDocs Auto-Assemble File
.HDBHansaWorld Database File
.HDDParallels Desktop Hard Disk
.HDFHierarchical Data Format (Version 4)
.HDIHard Disk Image
.HDIHotDocs Auto-Install File
.HDKHotDocs Registration File
.HDLHotDocs Library File
.HDMLHandheld Device Markup Language File
.HDMOVQuickTime HD Movie File
.HDMPWindows Heap Dump
.HDPHD Photo File
.HDPMAGIX Hard Disk Project Audio File
.HDPMXHotDocs Publisher Mapping XML File
.HDRHigh Dynamic Range Image File
.HDRESRI BIL Header File
.HDRPHDRtist Pro Document
.HDSMicrosoft PlayReady Data File
.HDSParallels Desktop Hard Disk File
.HDTPhotoshop HDR Toning Preset File
.HDUMXHotDocs User Mapping XML File
.HDVHigh Definition Video Format
.HDXDelphi MultiHelp Index File
.HDZCompressed Poser Hand Pose File
.HEHumongous Entertainment Game Archive
.HE0Humongous Entertainment Game Archive
.HE1Humongous Entertainment Game Archive
.HE2Humongous Entertainment Game Archive
.HE4Humongous Entertainment Sound Archive
.HEARTSSAVE-MSMicrosoft Hearts Save File
.HEICHigh Efficiency Image Format
.HEIFHigh Efficiency Image Format
.HELPMac OS X Help Book
.HELPCFGAdobe Community Help Configuration File
.HELPINDEXHelp Index Document
.HESHudson Entertainment Sound Format
.HEVCHigh Efficiency Video Coding File
.HEXHexadecimal Source File
.HEXBinHex Encoded File
.HFHF Raster Image
.HFDHotDocs Form Document
.HFPHitFilm Project
.HFPHueForge Project
.HFSHFS Disk Image File
.HFTHotDocs Form Template
.HFVHFS Disk Image
.HGHBasically Games High Score File
.HGLHP Graphics Language File
.HGRHierarchical Graphics Renderer Model
.HGTSRTM Elevation Data File
.HHC++ Header File
.HHCHTML Help Table of Contents
.HHHPower C Precompiled Header File
.HHIThe Sims 4 Household Data File
.HHKHTML Help Index
.HHPHTML Help Workshop Project
.HHSLHockey High Score List File
.HHTHelp and Support Center HHT File
.HIMacMAME High Scores File
.HIDSony Ericsson Remote Configuration
.HIDKeepSafe File
.HID2KeepSafe File
.HIFHigh Efficiency Image Format
.HIFQuicken Online File
.HIGHLANDHighland Document
.HINHyperChem Input File
.HIPHoudini Project File
.HIPHeavy Iron Studios Package
.HIPNCHoudini Apprentice File
.HISFindinSite Database Definition File
.HISTORYUnix C Shell History
.HITThe Sims Sound File
.HIVWindows Registry Hive File
.HJTTreePad 6 Database File
.HKDBApple iTunes Library File
.HKIWinHKI Archive
.HKI1WinHKI HKI1 Archive
.HKI2WinHKI HKI2 Archive
.HKI3WinHKI HKI3 Archive
.HKMHavok Movie File
.HKXHavok Packed File
.HLHeuristicLab Storage File
.HLBVMS / VAX Help Library
.HLPWindows Help File
.HLSLHigh Level Shader Language File
.HLXATI Radeon Video Driver Support File
.HM3Help & Manual 3 Project
.HMASony HI-MD Audio File
.HMEWindows Mobile Theme File
.HMIHMI Audio File
.HMKHallmark Card Studio File
.HMLHostMonitor TestList File
.HMPWorms Height Map File
.HMSHostMonitor Script File
.HMTHighMAT File
.HMXHelp & Manual 4 Project
.HMXPHelp & Manual XML Project
.HMXZHelp & Manual Compressed Project
.HOGoodEngine Asset Package
.HOFOMSI Map Parameter File
.HOGDescent or Descent 2 Mission File
.HOI4Hearts of Iron IV Game Save File
.HOLOutlook Holidays File
.HONMODHON Modification Manager File
.HOOPHOOP Ransomware Encrypted File
.HOPEvil Engine Asset Package
.HOSTNAMESArchive Team Hostname File
.HOTThe Sims Sound File
.HOT4x4 Evolution Hot Lap File
.HOUSEHOLDBINARYThe Sims 4 Binary Household Data
.HOW2Visma Performit Player Configuration File
.HPDHotDocs PDF Document
.HPFHigh Performance Fortran File
.HPFHP9100A Program File
.HPGHPGL Plot File
.HPGLHP Graphics Language Plotter File
.HPIHemera Photo Objects Image File
.HPJHelp Project File
.HPKTropico Game Archive
.HPKHPack Compressed Archive
.HPKGHaiku Package File
.HPLHP-GL Plotter File
.HPPC++ Header File
.HPPHaluha Pearls File
.HPRInternal RoboHelp File
.HPRJZOOM H6 Recording Metadata
.HPSHPL Script
.HPSHP Digital Sender Metadata File
.HPSGameCube Audio File
.HPTHotDocs PDF Template
.HQMHardcore Questing Mode Data File
.HQXBinHex 4.0 Encoded File
.HRTRS-80 Image
.HR2Poser Hair File
.HRFHitachi Raster Format File
.HRLErlang Header File
.HRZCompressed Poser Hair File
.HRZSlow-Scan Television (SSTV) Image
.HSHaskell Script
.HSMotorola Flash Flex File
.HSJava HelpSet File
.HSLaserTank High Scores File
.HS2HyperRESEARCH 2 Study File
.HSBHALion Sound Bank File
.HSCAspen HYSYS Simulation File
.HSDTThinkfree Office NEO Show Template
.HSFHOOPS Stream Format File
.HSHWindows Catalog Search Index File
.HSKHuskey Truss & Building Supply Import File
.HSTHistory File
.HSTX3hs Theme Extensible
.HTHyperTerminal Session File
.HTAHTML Application
.HTBAudacity Help File
.HTCHTML Component File
.HTGHackTheGame Mission Pack
.HTKHidden Markov Model Toolkit Audio
.HTMHypertext Markup Language File
.HTMIHyperText Media Interoperable File
.HTMLHypertext Markup Language File
.HTML.MEMHypertext Markup Language Memory File
.HTML0Book Designer File
.HTMLZZipped HTML eBook
.HTMODHardware Tycoon Game Mod File
.HTTHypertext Template
.HTXHTML Extension File
.HTXTHanvon eBook File
.HTZ4HyperMaker 4 Publication
.HTZ5HyperMaker 5 Publication
.HUHHydroCAD Unit Hydrograph Definitions File
.HUMOMSI Human Configuration File
.HUSHusqvarna Embroidery File
.HVCHotDocs Variable Collection File
.HVEWindows Registry Hive File
.HVIFHaiku Vector Icon File
.HVLHively Tracker Module
.HVPLiTunes Visual Plug-in File
.HWAV3hs Music
.HWDHedgewars Demo File
.HWDTThinkfree Office NEO Word Template
.HWMAPHedgewars Drawn Map File
.HWPHanword Document
.HWPHangul Text Document
.HWSHedgewars Saved Game
.HWTHuawei EMUI Theme
.HXHaxe Source Code Module
.HXAMicrosoft Help 2 Attribute Definition File
.HXCMicrosoft Help 2 Collection Definition
.HXEMicrosoft Help 2 Sample Definition File
.HXKMicrosoft Help 2 Index File
.HXMDescent 2 Resource Modification
.HXMLHaxe Project File
.HXNHexagon Model File
.HXPROJHaxe Project File
.HXSHelp 2 Compiled Help File
.HXTMicrosoft Help 2 Table of Contents File
.HXXC++ Source Code Header File
.HYDRAHydra Image Filter Program File
.HYPDictionary Information File
.HYPHyper Compressed Archive
.HYPEHype Document
.HYPERESOURCESHype Resources Folder
.HYPESYMBOLHype Symbol File
.HYPETEMPLATEHype Document Template
.HYVTeam Manager Meet Event File
.HZChinese (Hanzi) Text