.HPP File Extension

2 file types use the .hpp file extension.

C++ Header File

Developer N/A
3.9  |  45 Votes
NEW: Open your .HPP file online with File Helper.View Online

What is an HPP file?

Header file written in the C++ programming language; may contain data types, constants, and variables; can be inserted into a .CPP source code file using the #include directive; used for storing reusable components of code.

More Information

C++ header files are more often seen with the .H extension, which is also used as the default extension for header files for the C programming language.

Programs that open or reference HPP files

Haluha Pearls File

Developer Haluha Somewhere
1.0  |  9 Votes

File used by Haluha Pearls, a Web-based program used for displaying digital designs of plastic beads called "pearls;" saved in a plain text format and contains the pearl pattern including the color and the placement of each pearl on the pearl plate.

Programs that open HPP files


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