
Version0.4.4(as of 5/12/2014)
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Main Features

  • Plays mod files, such as MOD and XM
  • Downloads files from HTTP and FTP sites
  • Offers drag and drop playlists
  • Converts mod files to WAV files

Software Overview

Sven Janssen's CocoModX is a free audio player. The program was developed for Mac OS X only but is now discontinued.

CocoModX can play a variety of audio module files, such as .MOD, .XM, .S3M, .IT, and .MTM files. Users can download and play modules files directly from FTP and HTTP sites. Users can then create playlists from the array of supported module files by dragging and dropping them into playlists. CocoModX gives users helpful features, such as the ability to switch between mono and stereo, change the user interface between brushed metal and pinestripe appearances, and convert any mod file to the WAVE format.

CocoModX is a decent application that can play a wide variety of mod files. However, the player is discontinued and no longer supported by the developer. Therefore, users should look elsewhere, such as VideoLAN VLC media player, for an application to play their audio module files.

Primary File Type

mod icon.MODMusic Module File

Supported File Types

ExtensionFile Type
.MODMusic Module File
.669UNIS Composer 669 Module
.AHXAHX Music Tracker Module
.AMFAdvanced Module File
.DSMDigital Sound Module
.DSPDynamic Studio Professional Module
.DTMDigital Tracker Module
.FARFarandole Composer Module
.FSMFarandole Composer WaveSample
.IMFId Music File
.ITImpulse Tracker Module
.ITIImpulse Tracker Instrument
.ITSImpulse Tracker Sample
.M15MPEG Video
.MDLDigiTrakker Module
.MEDAmiga MED Sound File
.MTMMultiTracker Module
.OKTOktalyzer Module
.PSMProtracker Studio Module
.PTMPolyTracker Module
.S3MScreamTracker 3 Module
.S3ZCompressed Scream Tracker 3 Module
.SAMMOD Edit Sample File
.STMScream Tracker 2 Module
.TFMXThe Final Music System Extended Module
.THXTHX Music Tracker Module
.ULTUltra Tracker Module
.UMXUnreal Music Package
.UNIUltra Tracker Module
.UWFUltraTracker Wave File
.XMFasttracker 2 Extended Module

Additional Related File Types

ExtensionFile Type
.M3U8UTF-8 M3U Playlist
.STXScream Tracker Music Interface Kit File
Updated 5/12/2014