Version1(as of 6/15/2022)
LicenseOpen Source
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Rating:3.0  |  22 Votes

Main Features

  • Access your music quickly with a fast graphical user interface
  • Open many audio tracker formats, including MDL and STM
  • Edit music with effects like amplification and normalization
  • Use the program anywhere with no installation required
  • Customize your experience with a fully configurable keyboard layout

Software Overview

Screenshot of OpenMPT 1
Screenshot of OpenMPT 1

OpenMPT (Open ModPlug Tracker) is a free and open-source audio module tracker used to create and play music. It is based on ModPlug Tracker, which Olivier Lapicque initially developed.

OpenMPT employs a fast native Windows GUI unlike many other popular trackers that still use DOS-based interfaces. In addition, the application supports various sample and instrument audio formats such as WAV, PAT, and RAW. You can also quickly and easily access and edit MIDI songs.

The software has many features that you can use to edit your music and includes effects like normalization, phase inversion, amplification, and DC offset removal. You can even edit one module in multiple windows spanning across several monitors.


OpenMPT is a capable module tracker that supports many audio formats and is completely free. You will most likely find it an excellent standalone audio tracker as an amateur user and a complementary utility to your professional tools if you are a more advanced user.

Primary File Type

mptm icon.MPTMOpenMPT Module

Supported File Types

ExtensionFile Type
.MPTMOpenMPT Module
.669UNIS Composer 669 Module
.8SVXAmiga 8-Bit Sound File
.AIFFAudio Interchange File Format
.AMFAsylum Music Format Audio File
.AMSExtreme Tracker Module
.DLSDownloadable Sounds File
.DMFDelusion Digital Music File
.DSFDelusion Digital Sound File
.DSMDigital Sound Module
.DTMDigital Tracker Module
.FARFarandole Composer Module
.FLACFree Lossless Audio Codec File
.IMFId Music File
.IMFImago Orpheus Module
.MDLDigiTrakker Module
.MEDAmiga MED Sound File
.MO3MO3 Audio
.MP3MP3 Audio
.MT2MadTracker 2 Module
.MTMMultiTracker Module
.OKTOktalyzer Module
.PATPattern File
.PSMProtracker Studio Module
.PTMPolyTracker Module
.RAWRaw Audio Data
.S3IScream Tracker 3 Instrument
.SF2SoundFont 2 Sound Bank
.SMPSampleVision Audio Sample Format
.STMScream Tracker 2 Module
.ULTUltra Tracker Module
.UMXUnreal Music Package
.WOWGrave Composer Music Module
.XIFasttracker 2 Extended Instrument File
.XMZFastTracker 2 Extended Module

Additional Related File Types

ExtensionFile Type
.STXScream Tracker Music Interface Kit File
.XMFasttracker 2 Extended Module
Updated 6/15/2022