.FLP File Extension
FL Studio Project
Developer | Image-Line |
Popularity |
4.2 | 182 Votes |
What is an FLP file?
An FLP file is a project created by FL Studio, an application used to compose arrange, record, and edit music. It contains all of the data associated with a project, including demo plugins and music track settings.
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FLP files do not store the actual audio that appears in the project. Instead, the files contain references to the audio files. Therefore, if you move an FLP file or the files it references, such as a .WAV sample file, or SimSynth or DrumSynth preset file, the project may not play correctly in FL Studio.
NOTE: FL Studio was formerly known as FruityLoops, which was originally released in 1998. FruityLoops became FL Studio with the release of version 4 in March 2003.
Programs that open FLP files
Flash Project
Developer | Adobe Systems |
Popularity |
3.7 | 20 Votes |
An FLP file may also be a project created by Adobe Flash, a now-discontinued multimedia platform primarily used for creating animations, interactive content, and web applications. It contains project information in the XML standard that organizes its components, including images, audio files, and animations. FLP files do not store the actual project content but point to the locations of the files containing the actual content.
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Macromedia released Flash in the 1990s, and Adobe Systems later acquired it, helping it become a popular tool for delivering interactive web experiences, such as animations, videos, online games, and advertisements. As users created these experiences, they saved them as FLP projects to preserve their progress and organize all of the project's related assets, ensuring they were correctly linked and accessible during editing and final output.
Although it was widely used, Flash relied on a browser plugin, which raised security and compatibility issues. Adobe officially discontinued Flash in 2020, with modern web standards like HTML5 and CSS3 taking its place.
How to open an FLP file
You can open FLP files with Adobe Flash, but it is discontinued. Since FLP files store text in the XML standard, you can also open them with a text or XML editor to view their properties and the locations of files imported into the projects.
Programs that open FLP files
ActivPrimary Flipchart File
Developer | Promethean |
Popularity |
3.4 | 14 Votes |
Flipchart presentation created with Promethean educational lesson-planning programs such as ActivPrimary and ActivStudio; contains an interactive lesson plan that can be interacted with using electronic whiteboard hardware; used by teachers to store lesson plans for students.
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Promethean's software product ActivInspire uses the .FLIPCHART extension, but can still open FLP files.
NOTE: If FruityLoops or FL Studio are installed on the same computer as ActivPrimary or ActivStudio, the Flipchart file association may be incorrectly assigned to FruityLoops or FL Studio. You can open the Flipchart files directly in Promethean software by selecting File → Open....
Programs that open FLP files
Floppy Disk Image
Developer | N/A |
Popularity |
3.5 | 10 Votes |
An FLP file may also be a disk image created from a 3.5" floppy disk. Users often create FLP files using an MS-DOS program or a program from an older version of Windows. The files can be used for storing bootable files and booting up guest operating systems on virtualized platforms. They may also be used for copying the contents of a disk to multiple diskettes.
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The floppy disk image program named fdimage.exe is a common MS-DOS program used to created FLP files. It is also included with FreeBSD installation CDs.
How to open an FLP file
You can open and extract files from an FLP file using MagicISO (Windows). You can also add your FLP file as a floppy drive in VMWare Fusion (Mac), VMWare Workstation (Windows, Linux), and VMWare Workstation Player (Windows, Linux).
Programs that open FLP files
FlipAnim Project
Developer | Poklik |
Popularity |
3.1 | 7 Votes |
An FLP file contains a project created by Poklik FlipAnim, an online program used to create flipbook animations. It stores one or more drawings that make up a flipbook animation. FLP files also contain the settings for the animation, such as page speed, page transparency, and the zoom.
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You can save a FlipAnim project as an FLP file by clicking the gear icon, then selecting the document icon with the red download arrow. Your web browser will then download the FLP file to your computer.
You can open a FlipAnim project by clicking the gear icon, selecting the document icon with the green upload arrow, then choosing the FLP file you want to upload. Your browser will then upload the FLP file and the FlipAnim web program will open the project.
NOTE: FLP files were replaced by .FLIPANIM files by FlipAnim to save projects.
Common FLP Filenames
flipanim_project_<YYYYMMDD>_<TTTT>.flp - The default filename given to FlipAnim projects downloaded as FLP files. The YYYYMMDD stands for the year, month, and day the file was downloaded and the TTTT stands for the time it was downloaded. For example, an FLP file downloaded on April 16, 2019 at 10:59 am is named flipanim_project_20190416_1059.flp.