Apple Preview

Version11(as of 7/15/2021)
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Rating:2.6  |  117 Votes

Main Features

  • View a wide range of file formats including PDF, JPEG, PNG, AI, DNG, ICNS, PSD, and RAW
  • Convert images to various formats
  • Modify images with basic image editing tools like shape/color extraction, cropping, and rotation
  • Edit, combine, and encrypt PDF files
  • Import images from a scanner

Software Overview

Screenshot of Apple Preview 11
Screenshot of Apple Preview 11

Apple Preview is an application bundled with macOS that is used to view images and documents. It supports a wide range of formats, can modify and convert images, and is able to annotate and encrypt PDF documents.

Some of the file types supported by Preview include .JPG, .PNG, .HEIC, .BMP, .PDF, .DOCX, and .PPTX. Beyond viewing images and documents, Preview provides select editing capabilities. It has basic image correction tools that use Apple's Core Image processing technology and allows you to annotate images and documents. You can also export files to PNG, JPEG, JPEG-2000, TIFF, HEIC, and PDF formats.

Preview comes with tools for editing, signing, combining, and securing PDF files. The application also has the ability to extract single pages from multipage PDF documents.


Apple Preview is a useful tool for quickly viewing supported images and documents and converting them to other file types. Its helpful PDF capabilities and the fact that it comes bundled with macOS, make it a great utility for Mac users.

Primary File Type

jpg icon.JPGJPEG Image

Supported File Types

ExtensionFile Type
.3FRHasselblad 3F RAW Image
.AIAdobe Illustrator Artwork
.BMPBitmap Image
.CR3Canon Raw 3 Image
.DAEDigital Asset Exchange File
.DGTDST Thumbnail File
.DNGDigital Negative Image
.DOCXMicrosoft Word Document
.DOTXMicrosoft Word Template
.EPSFEncapsulated PostScript Format File
.EXROpenEXR Image
.FAXFax Document
.FFFHasselblad RAW Image
.FPXFlashPix Bitmap Image File
.GIFGraphical Interchange Format File
.HDRHigh Dynamic Range Image File
.HEICHigh Efficiency Image Format
.HEIFHigh Efficiency Image Format
.ICNSmacOS Icon Resource
.ICOIcon File
.JFIJPEG File Interchange Image
.JP2JPEG 2000 Core Image
.KDIKD Player Skin Image File
.KEYApple Keynote Presentation
.LPDFLocalized PDF File
.PDFPortable Document Format File
.PICGeneric Picture File
.PICTPicture File
.PNGPortable Network Graphic
.POPSamsung Popcon Character File
.PPTMicrosoft PowerPoint Presentation (Legacy)
.PPTXMicrosoft PowerPoint Presentation
.PSDAdobe Photoshop Document
.QTIFQuickTime Image File
.RADRadiance Scene File
.RAWRaw Image Data
.S2MVStarCraft 2 Map Preview File
.SGISilicon Graphics Image
.SPIFFStill Picture Interchange File Format
.STLStereolithography File
.TGATarga Graphic
.THMGeneric Thumbnail Image
.TIFTagged Image File
.WWFWorld Wide Fund Non-Printable Document
.XBMX BitMap Graphic

Additional Related File Types

ExtensionFile Type
.JFIFJPEG File Interchange Format
.JIFJPEG Interchange Format Image
.JIFFJPEG Image File Format
.JPXJPEG 2000 Image File
.PCTPicture File
.PNTGMacPaint Graphic File
.THMVideo Thumbnail File
.TIFFTagged Image File Format
Updated 7/15/2021