.STR File Extension
dBASE Structure List Object File
Developer | dBASE |
Popularity |
3.7 | 97 Votes |
What is an STR file?
An STR file defines the structure of a database (.DBF file) created by dBASE, a database management application. It contains a text-based list of all the objects in the database file, including the number of fields, names of each field, and specifications (width and height) of each database field. dBASE uses STR files to create printed archive index tables and document the structure of each table.
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dBASE is a Windows application that provides various features for managing databases, developing programs, and compiling them. The tool supports many modern database engines, including SQL Server, Access, and MySQL.
NOTE: dBASE stands for "dataBased Intelligence."
How to open an STR file
You can open STR files with dBASE in Windows. Since STR files store plain text, you can also open them with a text editor, such as Microsoft Notepad (Windows) or Apple TextEdit (Mac).
Programs that open or reference STR files
PlayStation Video Stream
Developer | Sony |
Popularity |
3.9 | 49 Votes |
An STR file may also be a video included in a PlayStation (PS1) video game. It contains a cinematic played in the game. Many games include STR files.
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Most gamers will never encounter STR files. However, some dedicated gamers have created utilities that allow them to extract STR files from PS1 games. This allows them to play STR files and convert them to more common video formats, using PlayStation game data utilities.
Some games that use STR files include:
- MediEvil
- PGA Tour 97
- Urban Chaos
- Chicken Run
- Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
- Final Fantasy IX
NOTE: STR files use audio saved in the .XA format.
How to open an STR file
You can open an STR file and play the video it contains with jPSXdec (multiplatform), PSMPlay (Windows), or PsxMC (Windows).
How to convert an STR file
You can use jPSXdec, PSMPlay, or PsxMC to convert STR videos to the .AVI video format.
Programs that open STR files
Kingsoft Strings File
Developer | Kingsoft |
Popularity |
4.1 | 12 Votes |
Strings file used by WPS Office (previously known as Kingsoft Office), an office suite which includes the Writer, Spreadsheets, and Presentation applications; contains information used to configure the app's interface, which includes the placement and appearance of shapes, panes, and borders; also defines the appearance of text that appears in the window titles, buttons, menu texts, and other interface elements.
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NOTE: The STR file is located in the following directory: /Kingsoft/WPS Office/office[version]/mui/default/tips
Programs that open or reference STR files
X-Plane Object String File
Developer | Laminar Research |
Popularity |
3.8 | 17 Votes |
Object string file used by X-Plane, a professional flight simulator; contains data that defines the placement of objects in the simulator.
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The STR file uses the standard X-Plane format, which consists of a header and commands that define different aspects of the objects and their placement on the line. The STR format uses object strings, which are objects placed along a bezier curve. The file is designed to place objects in the X-Plane simulator but is primarily used to build airport taxiway lights.
Programs that open or reference STR files
Windows Screensaver File
Developer | N/A |
Popularity |
3.4 | 16 Votes |
Screensaver used by Windows computers; contains animations, pictures, text, or moving patterns that fill the screen when the computer has been idle for a specific amount of time; can be selected within the Displays control panel.
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Most screensavers have a .SCR extension.
Programs that open or reference STR files
BFME2 Strings File
Developer | Electronic Arts |
Popularity |
3.2 | 15 Votes |
File used by Lord of the Rings (LOTR): Battle for Middle Earth II (BFME2), a real-time strategy game based off of the LOTR books and movies; saved in a plain text format and contains text strings that display tooltips, cutscene subtitles, and other textual data.
Programs that open or reference STR files
YouTube Livestream Recording
Developer | |
Popularity |
3.8 | 5 Votes |
An STR file may also be a livestream recording created by YouTube. It contains the content of a user's live streaming event. YouTube saves livestreams in files named livestream.str.
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YouTube allows users to broadcast live streaming video to their channels, so they can interact with their audience in real-time. After a user finishes a livestream, they can upload it to their channel as they would a normal video. To allows users to upload livestreams, YouTube saves those livestreams in its backend as STR files.
Users using the YouTube livestream API can retrieve their channel's STR files from YouTube's servers. Other YouTube users are unlikely to encounter STR files, except when publishing a previous livestream as a channel video.
Common STR Filenames
Livestream.str - The default name YouTube assigns to livestream recordings.
How to open an STR file
STR files are not meant to be opened by users. YouTube stores STR files and uses them to publish livestream recordings as channel videos.