.SSC File Extension
StepMania Song File
Developer | StepMania |
Popularity |
3.8 | 9 Votes |
What is an SSC file?
Song file used by StepMania, a 3D graphics dance and rhythm game; contains song information such as title, artist, and genre; includes references to music and image files; used for pump, dance, beat, and guitar songs.
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SSC files include several lines that begin with "#" followed by a specific tag. Examples of tags include TITLE, SUBTITLE, ARTIST, BACKGROUND, MUSIC, and BPMS. The tags are followed by a value such as a number or text. SSC files include a VERSION tag that indicates what version it was created in to maintain compatibility when changes take place.
NOTE: The SSC file extension replaced the .SM file extension.
Programs that open SSC files
Stellarium Script
Developer | The Stellarium Team |
Popularity |
3.3 | 7 Votes |
Script used by Stellarium, an open source, cross-platform sky viewing application; contains code written for the Stellarium engine; can be used for browsing the sky, displaying constellations, examining areas of interest, or implementing custom screensavers.
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Stellarium scripts can be run by clicking on the application's Configuration dialog, selecting a script from the Scripts tab, and clicking the play button. To write an SSC script, consult the API from the Stellarium documentation. Completed scripts should be placed in the \scripts\ directory of a Stellarium installation.
Programs that open or reference SSC files
Celestia Solar System Catalog File
Developer | Celestia Development Team |
Popularity |
3.1 | 7 Votes |
File used by Celestia, a 3D universe visualization program; saves the setup and initialization parameters for loading a solar system; defines planets, moons, and other space entities; may be used for defining Celestia addons.
More Information
Celestia loads all SSC files available when the program starts. Therefore, if you add or modify an SSC file, you need to restart the program for the changes to load. SSC files must be placed in the \extras\ directory for them to be recognized and loaded.
SSC files are saved in a plain text format and can be created or modified with any text editor.
Programs that open or reference SSC files
SourceSafe Status File
Developer | Microsoft |
Popularity |
1.8 | 5 Votes |
Status file used by Microsoft SourceSafe for source control, which tracks edits and revisions to files; commonly used in business settings, where files may be edited by multiple people; ensures that each file is only edited by one person at a time.