RealNetworks RealPlayer Cloud

Version16(as of 9/24/2020)
PlatformsWindows, Mac, iOS, Android
Rating:2.4  |  89 Votes

Main Features

  • Opens a large array of media files
  • Offers 2GB of free cloud storage
  • Uploads content to your Cloud storage space
  • Downloads your media so you can watch them wherever
  • Records and shares video to Facebook

Software Overview

RealNetworks RealPlayer Cloud was a multimedia player for computers and mobile devices that allowed you to capture, store, and share videos. The player integrated cloud storage, which enabled you to watch and download your video from different devices. The desktop version became RealNetworks RealPlayer in Windows, support for the Mac platform was dropped, and the mobile apps became RealNetworks RealTimes Video Maker for Android and iOS platforms.

RealPlayer Cloud was available for Windows, Roku, Chromecast, iOS, Android, and web browsers. The player could open all of the widely used media file formats, such as MPEG-4, ASF, QuickTime, MP3, JPEG, and PNG. The application allowed users to capture and share footage through Facebook or email, which is especially handy on a mobile device.

Along with mobile devices and web browsers, users could access the player on the Windows desktop. The RealPlayer Cloud user-interface includes three vertical panels that organize your accessible media based on the location (your device, the cloud, or CD/DVD), media type (videos, music, and photos), downloads, playlists, shared media, bookmarked videos, and more. When users would first create an account for RealPlayer Cloud they would start with 2GB of cloud space but could add space by paying, referring a friend, sharing their first video, adding their first video, and adding other devices. Users can create video and audio playlists by dragging and dropping their files. Users could also search for web videos in RealPlayer Cloud (Internet Explorer), even when playing media.

RealNetworks RealPlayer Cloud was a solid and convenient media player. It could open many widely used media file formats, share recorded footage to Facebook or email, and was accessible across multiple devices through cloud storage. RealPlayer Cloud was a quality service that made it easier for users to watch media, but the newer RealPlayer and RealTimes applications are solid choices, as well.

Primary File Type

rmd icon.RMDRealPlayer Media File

Supported File Types

ExtensionFile Type
.RMDRealPlayer Media File
.3G23GPP2 Multimedia File
.3GP3GPP Multimedia File
.AACAdvanced Audio Coding File
.ACPaacPlus Audio File
.AMRAdaptive Multi-Rate Codec File
.ASFAdvanced Systems Format File
.AUSun Microsystems Audio File
.AVIAudio Video Interleave File
.DIVXDivX-Encoded Movie
.FLVFlash Video
.IVRInternet Video Recording
.LQTLiquid Audio File
.M2VMPEG-2 Video
.M4AMPEG-4 Audio
.M4ViTunes Video File
.MOVApple QuickTime Movie
.MP1MPEG-1 Layer 1 Audio File
.MP2MPEG Layer II Compressed Audio File
.MP3MP3 Audio
.MP4MPEG-4 Video
.MPAMPEG-2 Audio File
.MPGAMPEG-1 Layer 3 Audio File
.OGGOgg Vorbis Audio
.PNGPortable Network Graphic
.R1MRealOne Streaming Media File
.RARealAudio File
.RAXReal Music Store Audio File
.RMRealMedia File
.RMJReal Media Jukebox Audio File
.RPRealPix Clip
.RTRealText Streaming Text File
.RTSRealPlayer Streaming Media
.RVRealVideo File
.RVXReal Protected Video File
.VIVVivoActive Video File
.VIVOVivoActive Video File
.WMVWindows Media Video

Additional Related File Types

ExtensionFile Type
.3P23GPP Multimedia File
.CDACD Audio Track Shortcut
.EVREnhanced Variable Rate Audio File
.LRVLow-resolution Video File
.M3UM3U Media Playlist
.M3U8UTF-8 M3U Playlist
.METARealPlayer Metafile
.MVBMultimedia Viewer Book Source File
.PLSMultimedia Playlist File
.RAMReal Audio Metadata File
.RMMRAM Meta File
.RMPRealPlayer Metadata Package File
.RMVBRealMedia Variable Bit Rate File
.RMXRealJukebox Format
.RNXRealPlayer Settings File
.SDPSession Description Protocol File
.SMISMIL Presentation
.SMILSMIL Presentation File
.SMLSMIL Slideshow Presentation
.SSMStandard Streaming Metafile
.VERVersion Record
Updated 9/24/2020