Progress Stylus Studio

VersionX15 Release 2(as of 4/2/2015)
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Rating:4.2  |  9 Votes

Main Features

  • Numerous XML editors with text, tree, and grid views
  • Query tools that support visual XQuery editing, mapping, and debugging
  • EDI tools to convert, map, and deploy XML data integration applications
  • XML publishing tools to design XML reports for XML publishing applications
  • Java and HTML/XHTML design tools for building Java applications and websites

Software Overview

Progress Stylus Studio is an IDE that allows users to edit and transform XML documents using a variety of tools and visual designers. It is only available for the Windows platform.

Stylus Studio comes with several XML editors with text, tree, and grid views that support code sensing, syntax coloring, schema driven autocomplete, and code folding. The IDE allows you to import XML data from CSV, tab separated, EDI, and binary data formats, as well as other data import and export utilities for XML and RDBMS.

The IDE also gives you Java and HTML/XHTML tools to build XML-enabled Java applications and XML-data driven websites. Other XML tools that come with the suite include an XML Schema editor, an XML pipeline designer, EDI tools, XPath Tools, a Document Type Definition editor, and XML Mapping tools.

Stylus Studio is an impressive suite of XML tools used to work with XML XQuery, XML publishing, web services, and other XML technologies. The IDE provides numerous advanced features and format support geared toward expert XML programmers that may be too overwhelming for beginners. Editors like Microsoft's XML Notepad might be a better option for novice users. However, if you have the experience, Progress Stylus Studio is up to the task.

Primary File Type

xml icon.XMLXML File

Supported File Types

ExtensionFile Type
.DTDDocument Type Definition File
.EDIElectronic Data Interchange File
.JSPJakarta Server Page
.PRJProject File
.WSDLWeb Services Description Language File
.XQXQuery File
.XQLXML Query Language File
.XQMXQuery Module
.XQUERYXQuery Source Code File
.XSDXML Schema Definition

Additional Related File Types

ExtensionFile Type
.XQYXQuery Source File
Updated 4/2/2015