
Version6(as of 2/16/2015)
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Rating:3.8  |  64 Votes

Main Features

  • Supports a large variety of CD, DVD, and Blu-Ray image file formats, such as ISO, BIN, and CDI
  • Opens and extracts ISO files and allows you to burn them to a CD,DVD, or Blu-Ray disc
  • Burns and rips MP3, FLAC, WMA, and BIN files to and from audio CDs
  • Converts ISO and BIN formats to other image file formats

Software Overview

PowerISO is an application that allows you to create, edit, burn, extract, compress, and encrypt .ISO files. The software is also available for free for OS X and Linux with fewer features.

The program supports many CD, DVD, and BD-ROM image file formats, such as ISO, BIN, CDI, NRG, and DAA. PowerISO allows you to open and extract ISO files and burn them to a CD, DVD, or Blu-Ray disc. The program enables you to burn and rip .MP3, .FLAC, .WMA, .BIN, and .APE files to and from audio CDs. You can also directly edit an ISO image file, mount an ISO file with an internal virtual drive, and convert image files between ISO and other formats.

PowerISO provides a large array of capabilities for handling ISO files, along with other CD, DVD, and BD-ROM image file formats. The program also provides tools for burning CD, DVD, and Blu-Ray discs, as well as ripping audio CD discs. PowerISO is one of the most powerful tools available for creating and burning ISO files in Windows.

Primary File Type

iso icon.ISODisk Image File

Supported File Types

ExtensionFile Type
.ISODisk Image File
.BINBinary Disc Image
.CDIDiscJuggler Disc Image
.DAAPowerISO Direct-Access-Archive
.DSKDisk Image
.JRZPSP Game Data File
.LCDCDSpace Emulated Disk Image
.MDFMedia Disc Image File
.NRGNero CD/DVD Image File
.P01Toast CD Image
.UIFUniversal Image Format Disc Image
.VHDVirtual PC Virtual Hard Disk

Additional Related File Types

ExtensionFile Type
.APEMonkey's Audio
.CDTCD-Text File
.FLACFree Lossless Audio Codec File
.MP3MP3 Audio
.WMAWindows Media Audio
Updated 2/16/2015