Version21(as of 11/30/2023)
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Rating:2.8  |  83 Votes

Main Features

  • Support for popular camcorder formats, including AVCHD, RED, and XAVC
  • Interchangeability with popular video and audio editor projects, such as Pro Tools and Final Cut
  • Editing capability of SD, HD, 2K, and 4K video
  • Collaboration with other users through the VEGAS Pro Connect iPad app
  • Automatic and realistic text-to-speech voiceovers
  • AI image analysis via Z-Depth that builds a complex depth map

Software Overview

Screenshot of MAGIX VEGAS Pro 21
Screenshot of MAGIX VEGAS Pro 21

MAGIX VEGAS Pro (formerly Sony Vegas) is a Windows video and audio editing application for professional and casual users. It supports various multimedia formats and project file types, has many editing tools, and allows you to publish to different video formats.

VEGAS Pro supports many of the most common camcorder formats, such as AVCHD, XAVC, XDCAM, DSLR h.264 Quicktime, and RED. The application also allows you to import and export your video and audio to formats compatible with Avid Pro Tools, Apple Final Cut, Adobe Premiere Pro, and Adobe After Effects. VEGAS Pro features nondestructive editing and provides various tools for editing SD, HD, 2K, and 4K video, including multicam editing, HDR color correction, video stabilization, and noise reduction. The editing workspace reflects your work preferences as it is fully customizable and provides a multi-tool paradigm that organizes frequently used tools in a pop-up menu.

The audio editing side of VEGAS Pro provides high-resolution 24-bit/192 kHz audio recording and playback, 5.1 surround mixing, punch-in recording, and time compression/expansion. You can modify your audio with real-time audio effects, such as EQ, delay, and reverb, and tweak your mixes with the application's Loudness meters to maximize audio dynamic range. Finally, the VEGAS Pro Connect app for iPad allows collaborators to jointly control and comment on projects and drop frame-accurate markers and notes into the timeline for direct project feedback.


VEGAS Pro is a powerful package for editing professional video and audio projects and home movies. The software supports many popular multimedia and video-editing project formats and provides impressive video and audio editing capabilities. Although it is not as widely used as Adobe Premiere Pro, Apple Final Cut Pro, or CyberLink PowerDirector, MAGIX VEGAS Pro is a capable and affordable alternative.

Primary File Type

veg icon.VEGVEGAS Video Project

Supported File Types

ExtensionFile Type
.VEGVEGAS Video Project
.AAFAdvanced Authoring Format File
.PRPROJPremiere Pro Project
.VEGCAPVEGAS Video Capture File
.VFVEGAS Movie Studio Project

Additional Related File Types

ExtensionFile Type
.AA3ATRAC Audio File
.AC3Audio Codec 3 File
.AIFAudio Interchange File Format
.ASFAdvanced Systems Format File
.ATRACSony ATRAC Audio File
.AVCAvid Media Composer Script
.AVIAudio Video Interleave File
.BMPBitmap Image
.DPXDigital Picture Exchange File
.EXROpenEXR Image
.FLACFree Lossless Audio Codec File
.M2THDV Video File
.M2TSBlu-ray BDAV Video File
.MOVApple QuickTime Movie
.MP3MP3 Audio
.MP4MPEG-4 Video
.OGGOgg Vorbis Audio
.OMASony OpenMG Music File
.PCAPerfect Clarity Audio File
.PNGPortable Network Graphic
.SFAP0Sound Forge Pro Audio Proxy File
.SWFShockwave Flash Movie
.TGATarga Graphic
.TIFFTagged Image File Format
.TXTPlain Text File
.W64Sony Wave64 Audio File
.WDPWindows Media Photo File
.WMAWindows Media Audio
.WMVWindows Media Video
Updated 11/30/2023