Google Chrome

Version93(as of 9/30/2021)
PlatformsWindows, Mac, Linux, iOS, Android, Chrome OS
Go to Website
Rating:3.3  |  1255 Votes

Main Features

  • Browse the web quickly and easily using Chrome's minimalistic user interface
  • Synchronize your bookmarks, history, and settings across all your devices
  • Enjoy the protection Chrome's high-rated security features provide
  • View pages in any language with automatic webpage translation

Software Overview

Screenshot of Google Chrome 93
Screenshot of Google Chrome 93

Google Chrome is the world's most widely used web browser. Chrome is available for nearly every PC, laptop, and mobile device, and most notably, it allows users to sync their bookmarks, history, and settings across all those devices using a single Google account.

In addition to making users' Internet browsing experience consistent, Chrome makes it efficient and convenient. Chrome leaves its competitors in the dust on many performance tests and has the highest security rating of mainstream browsers. It also has automatic webpage translation, so you can read web content written in different languages.

Chrome's one major downside is that it tracks much of what you do while using it. Some of the data Google collects from Chrome, such as Chrome installation success, download location, crash data, and frequency of use, is non-intrusive. However, Google also collects everything you type into Chrome's address bar, which is more intrusive. You can manage and turn off some of Chrome's tracking features using the browser's Privacy and security settings.


Google Chrome is a stable, efficient, and easy-to-use web browser that has defeated competing browsers in many different benchmark tests. If you are looking for a cross-platform browser that gets you where you need to go on the Internet quickly, and you are comfortable with Google collecting your browsing data, look no further. However, if you are uncomfortable with Google's user tracking, you may want to try Mozilla Firefox or another alternative.

NOTE: Chrome automatically updates itself to ensure you always have the latest version. There is no way to disable these automatic updates.

Primary File Type

crdownload icon.CRDOWNLOADChrome Partially Downloaded File

Supported File Types

ExtensionFile Type
.CRDOWNLOADChrome Partially Downloaded File
.APNGAnimated Portable Network Graphic
.BDICChrome Dictionary File
.CRTSecurity Certificate
.CRXChromium Extension
.CSSCascading Style Sheet
.DOWNLOADPartially Downloaded File
.HTMLHypertext Markup Language File
.JSJavaScript File
.MHTMHTML Web Archive
.NEXEChrome Native Client Executable
.OGGOgg Vorbis Audio
.PDFPortable Document Format File
.SVGScalable Vector Graphic
.URLURL Shortcut File
.VTTWeb Video Text Tracks File
.WEBMWebM Video
.WEBPWebP Image
.WOFFWeb Open Font Format File
.XHTMExtensible Hypertext Markup Language Document

Additional Related File Types

ExtensionFile Type
.HTMHypertext Markup Language File
.JP2JPEG 2000 Core Image
.JPXJPEG 2000 Image File
.JSPJakarta Server Page
.LOCALSTORAGEWebKit Local Storage Data File
.QRMQworum Message File
.WEBLOCmacOS Website Location
Updated 9/30/2021