Google Android Studio

Version4.2(as of 7/12/2021)
PlatformsWindows, Mac, Linux, Chrome OS
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Rating:3.8  |  912 Votes

Main Features

  • Google's official IDE for Android
  • Included code templates give developers a head-start on developing common features
  • Visual layout editor allows developers to drag and drop UI elements onto app layouts
  • Device-specific build and testing tools, including an Android device emulator, help developers optimize apps across devices
  • GitHub and Google Cloud Platform integration allows developers to import others' code and publish projects online

Software Overview

Screenshot of Google Android Studio 4
Screenshot of Google Android Studio 4

Google Android Studio is Google's official Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for Android app development. Just as developers use Microsoft Visual Studio to create Windows apps and Apple XCode to create iOS and macOS apps, they use Android Studio to create Android apps.

Android Studio is a variant of Jetbrains IntelliJ IDEA, so those familiar with IDEA's code editor and development tools will recognize Android Studio's layout and basic features. However, Android Studio includes a number of advanced, Android-specific features that enhance developers' ability to create and test Android apps. Those features include:

  • Code templates that developers can use to build common Android app features
  • A visual layout editor that allows developers to drag and drop UI elements onto Android layouts, instead of writing XML
  • A flexible, Gradle-based build system that allows developers to generate device-specific build variants
  • An Android device emulator that developers can use to test their apps in realistic environments
  • An APK analyzer and app profiling tools that help developers streamline their apps' size and performance

Android Studio also integrates with GitHub and Google Cloud Platform, allowing developers to easily import code from and publish projects to those platforms. After a developer finishes testing and tweaking their app, they can use Android Studio's build tools and thorough documentation to prepare their app for publication on the Google Play Store.


If you plan to develop Android applications, there's no better place to start than familiarizing yourself with Android Studio. As Google's official Android IDE, Android Studio is the most reputable and comprehensive Android development environment. It contains all the tools Android developers need to develop, test, and publish Android applications.

Primary File Type

apk icon.APKAndroid Package File

Supported File Types

ExtensionFile Type
.APKAndroid Package File
.AABAndroid App Bundle
.AARAndroid Archive
.ABAndroid Debug Bridge Backup
.AIDLAndroid Interface Definition Language File
.ARSCAndroid Package Resource Table
.ASECAndroid Secure Application File
.GRADLEGradle Script
.IPRIntelliJ IDEA Project File
.JAVAJava Source Code File
.KTKotlin Source Code File

Additional Related File Types

ExtensionFile Type
.9.PNGNinePatchDrawable Image
.DEXDalvik Executable File
.IMLIntelliJ IDEA Module
Updated 7/12/2021