File Type of the Day
Rich Text Format File
An RTF file is a text document that supports font styling known as "rich text." Examples include bold, italicized, and underlined text, as well as different typefaces and font sizes. Rich text files also support page formatting options, such as custom line spacing, tab width, and document margins.
Research Information Systems Citation File
An RIS file is a bibliographic citation file saved in a format developed by Research Information Systems (RIS). It contains a series of two-letter tags and citation information associated with those tags.
TrueType Font
A TTF file is a font that can be installed in macOS, Windows, and other platforms. It is saved in the TrueType font format, which was created by Apple.
Weekly Top Extensions
—.EXEWindows Executable File —.APKAndroid Package File .ICSCalendar File+1 .CRYPT14WhatsApp Encrypted Database File-1 —.JPGJPEG Image —.JSONJavaScript Object Notation File —.RARWinRAR Compressed Archive .PDFPortable Document Format File+1 .HEICHigh Efficiency Image Format+3 .DCMDICOM Image+4 .VCFvCard File-3 .BINGeneric Binary File-1 .REALITYReality 3D Scene Format+47 .NOMEDIAAndroid No Media File-4 .RPMSGOutlook Restricted Permission Message+1 .DATABASE_...Android Stale Thumbnails Identifier-1 .TXTPlain Text File-4 .EMLE-Mail Message+2 —.MP4MPEG-4 Video .ZIPZipped File-2 .ODTOpenDocument Text Document+3 —.LNKWindows Shortcut .XAPKCompressed Android Package+4 .MRPACKModrinth Minecraft Modpack-1 .OBBAndroid Opaque Binary Blob File-4Universal File Viewers
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Recent Updates
- November 27, 2024File Viewer for Android 4.7.2 is now available.
- November 1, 2024File Viewer for Android 4.7.1 is now available.
- September 11, 2024Learn the difference between a file extension and a file type.
- August 2, 2024File Viewer Plus 5.3 is now available.