Media Player Classic

Version1(as of 1/19/2021)
LicenseOpen Source
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Rating:4.0  |  258 Votes

Main Features

  • Appears similar to Windows Media Player 6.4
  • Provides VCD, SVCD, and DVD playback without additional software or codecs
  • Supports AVI subtitles
  • Customizable interface, such as the toolbar

Software Overview

Screenshot of Media Player Classic 1.7
Screenshot of Media Player Classic 1.7

Media Player Classic is an open-source program that looks and feels similar to Windows Media Player 6.4. The main fork of Media Player Classic is Home Cinema, which provides additional options and features.

The player provides SVCD, VCD, and DVD playback out of the box. It supports many popular video and audio formats, such as H.264, MPEG-4 ASP, OGG, and FLV. The program provides features such as the ability to remove tearing and support for enhanced video rendering. Media Player Classic is customizable, which allows you to configure different aspects such as the playback toolbar. Also, the player is lightweight and uses little memory, which allows you to use it on older computers.

Media Player Classic is an application for users who want the look and feel of Windows Media Player 6.4. However, other than nostalgic purposes, there are not many reasons to choose this application over other Windows media players. Also, the development of the player ceased in 2017 making other video players, like VLC media player, better options.

Primary File Type

file  icon.MPCPLMedia Player Classic Playlist

Supported File Types

ExtensionFile Type
.MPCPLMedia Player Classic Playlist
.AACAdvanced Audio Coding File
.AV1AV1 Video
.DTSDTS Encoded Audio File
.FLVFlash Video
.HDMOVQuickTime HD Movie File
.LRVLow-resolution Video File
.M4AMPEG-4 Audio
.M4ViTunes Video File
.MKAMatroska Audio
.MKVMatroska Video
.MMVMicroMV Video File
.MO3MO3 Audio
.MP4MPEG-4 Video
.MPLMPL2 Subtitles File
.OGAOgg Vorbis Audio File
.OGVOgg Video
.RVRealVideo File
.SRTSubRip Subtitle File
.SWFShockwave Flash Movie
.VC1VC-1 Video File
.VOBDVD Video Object File
.WVWavPack Audio File

Additional Related File Types

ExtensionFile Type
.DSMDigital Sound Module
.M1AMPEG-1 Audio File
.M2AMPEG-1 Layer 2 Audio File
.M2PMPEG-2 Program Stream File
.M3UM3U Media Playlist
.MP2VMPEG-2 Video File
.MP4VMPEG-4 Video
.PVAPVA Video File
.RMMRAM Meta File
.ROQRoQ Full Motion Video
.SCMSuper Chain Media File
.TPRTMPGEnc Project File
.VP6TrueMotion VP6 Video File
.VP7TrueMotion VP7 Video File
.XVIDXvid-Encoded Video File
Updated 1/19/2021