IK Multimedia SampleTank

Version3(as of 7/20/2015)
PlatformsWindows, Mac
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Rating:2.7  |  7 Votes

Main Features

  • Interface with 3 environments for mixing, layering, and editing
  • 21 instrument categories with over 4,000 instruments
  • Numerous sound libraries with loops and patterns
  • Extensible through the IK Online Store

Software Overview

IK Multimedia Sample Tank is a DAW for Windows and OS X. It is used for producing music in studio and for live performances.

Sample Tank provides an interface that is divided into 3 environments specializing in layering, mixing, and editing sounds. The DAW comes with 21 instrument categories and over 4,000 instruments, as well as over 2,500 percussion, drum, and full construction-kit loops. Sample Tank also provides 55 integrated effects for mastering and mixing.

The application is packaged with numerous sound libraries full of instruments, loops, and patterns. You can also add more libraries through the IK Online Store.

Sample Tank was first released in 2001 as the first sample-based sound workstation designed for a computer and has since become one of the most powerful DAWs on the market. It has been featured on a large number of professional productions and compositions. IK Multimedia Sample Tank is a high-quality DAW that gives you the tools you need to make the next great piece of music.

Primary File Type

file  icon.IKMPIK Multimedia Preset FIle

Supported File Types

ExtensionFile Type
.IKMPIK Multimedia Preset FIle
.STFXSampleTank Effects Settings File
.STHSampleTank User Preset Data File
.STISampleTank User Preset Data File
.STIPSampleTank User Preset Instrument
.STWSampleTank User Preset Data File
Updated 7/20/2015