
Version2.9(as of 5/6/2021)
PlatformsWindows, Mac, Linux
LicenseOpen Source
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Rating:3.9  |  98 Votes

Main Features

  • Versatile, free program that allows you to create 3D models, animations, games, and more
  • Support for many asset formats, including DAE, DXF, JPEG, PNG, and MP4
  • Add-ons and an active community provide additional depth and support

Software Overview

Screenshot of Blender 2.9
Screenshot of Blender 2.9

Blender is a free, cross-platform program used to create a variety of 3D productions. It allows users to produce 3D models, animations, films, video games, and more.

Those looking for one application that supports the entirety of the 3D creation pipeline, from modeling to rendering to animation, will find what they've been looking for in Blender. The program supports importing a variety of image, audio, and video assets, including .DAE, .DXF, .JPEG, .PNG, .MP3, .AVI, and .MP4 files, which can be used to create models and animations. Blender's modeling and sculpting tools allow users to create detailed, posable characters, which are rendered using a photorealistic rendering engine that offers GPU and CPU rendering and HDR lighting support. Users can then animate their models and create full, animated scenes using Blender's extensive animation, VFX, and video-editing tools.

Advanced users can use Blender to develop 3D games (and export Blender-created models to third-party game engines) and create realistic simulations. In addition to its native capabilities, Blender supports many user-developed add-ons, which allow you to tailor Blender to your needs. If you ever have trouble figuring out how to do something in Blender, you can reach out to other users via Blender's highly-active forums, where you'll typically receive an answer to your question.


There is a reason Blender is likely the most popular free 3D modeling and animation program. For its price, Blender offers a level of depth and community support that many paid programs would envy. Although Blender does not offer the same performance as high-end 3D modeling and animation programs, it is a solid alternative.

Primary File Type

blend icon.BLENDBlender 3D Data File

Supported File Types

ExtensionFile Type
.BLENDBlender 3D Data File
.ACAC3D 3D Definition File
.AVIAudio Video Interleave File
.BLEND1Blender Document Backup File
.BPHYSBlender Cache File
.BVHBiovision Hierarchy Animation File
.FBXAutodesk FBX Interchange File
.GLTFGL Transmission Format File
.JP2JPEG 2000 Core Image
.MOVApple QuickTime Movie
.MP3MP3 Audio
.MP4MPEG-4 Video
.OBJWavefront 3D Object File
.PLYPolygon Model
.PNGPortable Network Graphic
.TIFTagged Image File

Additional Related File Types

ExtensionFile Type
.3DS3D Studio Scene
.BLEND2Blender Document Backup 2 File
.BZWBZFlag World File
.DAEDigital Asset Exchange File
.DXFDrawing Exchange Format File
.FLTOpenFlight Scene Description File
.GLAGhoul 2 Animation File
.GLMGhoul 2 Model File
.KMLKeyhole Markup Language File
.KMZGoogle Earth Placemark File
.LWOLightWave 3D Object
.MD5ANIMid Tech 4 Model Animation File
.MD5CAMERAid Tech 4 Model Camera File
.MD5MESHid Tech 4 3D Mesh File
.VMDVocaloid Motion Data File
Updated 5/6/2021