Apple Safari

Version12(as of 3/7/2019)
PlatformsMac, iOS
Go to Website
Rating:2.2  |  173 Votes

Main Features

  • Default macOS and iOS web browser
  • Up-to-date web browsing across iCloud-enabled devices
  • Developer-friendly
  • Web page sharing
  • Reader web page view
  • Private Browsing
  • Favorites bar

Software Overview

Apple Safari is a web browser developed by Apple and the default browser for macOS (OS X) and iOS operating systems. It was developed for Windows until version 5.1.7 but then discontinued.

Safari allows you to perform many of the standard functions included with popular web browsers, such as tabs, built-in spell checking, bookmarks, private browsing, web page history, and password management. By default, Safari offers a minimalistic design, but you can customize it by choosing what appears in the toolbar, showing the favorites bar, showing the sidebar, and more. One of the more convenient functions of Safari’s toolbar is the Share button, which allows you to quickly share your webpage through email, Messages, AirDrop, or social sites such as Facebook and Twitter.

Safari also uses iCloud to enable seamless browsing across all your devices. You can access browsing history from your other iCloud enabled devices and if you change your bookmarks on one of your devices, the change will be updated for all of your other devices. For developers, Safari offers the Web Inspector, Snippet Editor, and Extension Builder tools that allow you to examine source code, edit snippets, and build and mange your browser extensions.

Safari is a good, but not great option for macOS users. It looks nice, offers standard browsing capabilities, and features helpful toolbar functions. If you are looking for a clean web browser that provides seamless browsing between your iCloud devices, go with Apple Safari, otherwise use Chrome or Firefox.

Primary File Type

webarchive icon.WEBARCHIVESafari Web Archive

Supported File Types

ExtensionFile Type
.WEBARCHIVESafari Web Archive
.ATOMAtom Syndication Format File
.BINARYCOOKIESSafari Cookies File
.CERInternet Security Certificate
.CHMCompiled HTML Help File
.CPCCPC Compressed Image File
.CRTSecurity Certificate
.CSSCascading Style Sheet
.DBMColdFusion Server File
.DERDER Digital Certificate
.GIFGraphical Interchange Format File
.HTMHypertext Markup Language File
.HTMLHypertext Markup Language File
.INETLOCInternet Location
.JSJavaScript File
.LOCALSTORAGEWebKit Local Storage Data File
.ODCOffice Data Connection File
.PDBProtein Data Bank File
.PLTSUITESafari Page Load Test Suite File
.PNGPortable Network Graphic
.RMTRouter Firmware File
.SEAMSeam Framework Java Servlet File
.SHTMHTML Server Side Include File
.SKSafari History Index File
.TMPTemporary File
.TXTPlain Text File
.URLURL Shortcut File
.VTTWeb Video Text Tracks File
.WEBARCHIVESafari Web Archive
.WEBBOOKMARKSafari Web Bookmark File
.WEBHISTORYSafari Web History File
.WEBLOCmacOS Website Location
.WMLWireless Markup Language File
.XBLExtensible Binding Language File
.XHTMExtensible Hypertext Markup Language Document
.XHTMLExtensible Hypertext Markup Language File
.ZULZK User Interface File

Additional Related File Types

ExtensionFile Type
.DOWNLOADPartially Downloaded File
.JP2JPEG 2000 Core Image
.JPXJPEG 2000 Image File
.PACProxy Auto-Config File
.PLUGINMac OS X Plugin
.SAFARIEXTZApple Safari Extension
.XPSXML Paper Specification File
Updated 3/7/2019